Lianyungang tap water qualified?
No, the only qualified indicators only turbidity, otherwise even a fool would know that there are problems with the water! The water company from the leadership to the staff home all have water purification equipment, families are drinking pure water. Lianyungang water TDS is generally between 350 ~ 600 (higher than 110 of the water is not suitable for direct drinking, sewer water is 800 ~ 2000) GH9 ~ 19 KH3 ~ 11 other indicators are basically over the standard, the most harmful indicator is the chlorine content is almost all over the standard more than 1 times, (if it happens to be raining heavily can be more than 5 times more than the water in Lianyungang can not be treated directly to raise fish! If you want to raise them, you can basically hang them all! You say the water can be qualified?