Beijing Temporarily Allows Citywide Redeployment and Use of 18 Types of Children's Preparations Introduction

Beijing Municipal Drug Administration decided, from January 1, 2011 to April 11, 2011, to allow Beijing's medical institutions above the second level to transfer the use of the Beijing Children's Hospital of Capital Medical University, the Children's Hospital of the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, children's hospitals of 18 kinds of children's special hospital preparations.

According to the introduction, the approval of the transfer of the use of children's preparations, including from the Beijing Children's Hospital of the Capital Medical University of the apricot shellfish cough expectorant oral solution, double yellow expectorant lotion, Botox, Shuangjin Li-Pharyngeal granules, clearing the heat and spreading the plague of the oral solution, Chai anti-orally administered solution, clearing the lungs of phlegm particles, plus flavor of the Yu Pingfeng oral solution, oral solution of zinc gluconate, oral solution of ferrous gluconate, Xin Cang Nasal Shue Oral Liquid, Rhinitis Clear Oral Liquid, Pneumonia Combination from Beijing Children's Hospital of Capital Medical University, Yin Dai Cough Combination, Qing Xie Combination, Qing Zi Combination, Fu You Combination, Yuan Zhi Almond Combination.

The Beijing Drug Administration has proposed that medical institutions with pediatrics above the second level (including the second level) in Beijing can allocate the use of the above medicines after applying to the Beijing Children's Hospital of Capital Medical University, the Children's Hospital of Capital Pediatrics Research Institute, and the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Pharmaceutical Supervision and Administration and obtaining their consent. At the same time, it is required that the medical institutions that allocate the use of some of the children's special hospital preparations, to strengthen the management of the allocation of preparations, strictly in accordance with the instructions for use, and to strengthen the monitoring of adverse drug reactions.

It is reported that, according to "China's medical institutions preparation registration management approach (for trial implementation)" provisions, medical institutions can only be used in the medical institutions with a licensed physician or physician assistant prescription. Provincial applications for the use of preparation transfer, the use of units should be applied to the provincial drug supervision department.

News Date: 01/01/2011