The Laterna Magica (magic lantern) was the earliest projection device, and was the precursor to the modern slide projector and movie.
Kircher is generally credited with inventing the Laterna Magica, although it is impossible to prove who the original inventor was, and Huygens and Walgenstein are also credited with the invention of the Laterna Magica.
In 1640, a Jesuit priest named Athanase Kircher invented a slide projector called the magic lantern, which used a lens and mirror to reflect light in a series of pictures on a wall, and was a huge hit at the time, but Kircher was accused of sorcery. You see it's not easy to get people to accept every new invention and creation right away, but looking at the boom in cartoons today, the sacrifices of the ancients were worth it.
In 1989 Epson and Sony had the core technology of LCD panels, and in the same year, the world's first LCD projector was Epson's VPL-2000