Where did the various warning symbols on top of the warning signs originate? How to make a quick read?

The purpose of warning signs is to maintain order in society and ensure people's safety. At the beginning of the hope that people pay attention to something, such as this place is prone to landslides, the item is toxic, etc., to go to the time are the use of written signs or spoken word to tell the method later in order to unify the management and easy to identify the set of uniform warning signs. The different signs represent different events that need to be taken care of.

Overall these safety warning signs are for our safety and social order, if there is no ban and instructions and other signs, we are very easy to traffic accidents on the road. And in the production workplace is more dangerous, if there is no warning signs, can not attract people's attention, but also frequent accidents. Some chemicals are more volatile, in high concentration can cause death, in the restricted space, if there is no danger warning, it is very likely to be poisoned and asphyxiated. Well, there are some safety warning signs under the high-voltage power lines and on top of the utility poles that we see, and if there are no such safety warning signs, electrocution is likely to occur. And in fact, as long as we look carefully, we can also see that there are very many warning signs in life, some people may not understand what those warning signs mean.

Our country also has express provisions: operating units should be in the greater risk factors in the production and operation of the premises Ann equipment and facilities to set up safe and conspicuous warning signs. So these safety warning signs are actually close to our lives, it has icons and text, and is not particularly difficult to understand. As in the following picture of our common signs, there are eye-catching text reminders, and for people who do not know the word can also look at the above icon to understand for example, beware of cable icon, the picture of someone, there are cables on the ground, accompanied by a lightning bolt sign, is to remind people to beware of cables. In fact, for the safety warning icons in fact is not difficult to understand, and does not require special to learn and remember, these things are closely related to our lives, and in our usual education, we will be told to beware of electricity and water and so on.