Bill Gates is Chairman and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft is a worldwide leader in personal and business computing software, services and Internet technologies. In its last fiscal year ended June 2008, Microsoft had revenues of $62 billion, operated in 78 countries, and had more than 91,000 employees worldwide.
Gates was born on October 28, 1955, and grew up in Seattle with two sisters. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. His mother, the late Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, a trustee of the University of Washington, and the president of United Way International.
Gates attended public elementary schools and the private Lakeshore Middle School in Seattle. It was there that he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at the age of 13.
In 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard University. He became good friends with Steve Ballmer, now the CEO of Microsoft. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the BASIC programming language for the first microcomputer, the MITS Altair.
In his junior year of college, Gates left Harvard and devoted his full attention to Microsoft, which he founded in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by the belief that the computer would become the most important tool in every home and office, they began developing software for personal computers. Gates' vision and his foresight of the personal computer became the key to the success of Microsoft and the software industry. Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft has continued to develop and improve software technology to make it easier to use, less expensive, and more enjoyable. The company is committed to the long term, as evidenced by its current research and development expenditures of more than $5 billion per year.
In 1999, Gates authored Business @ the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System, which showed how computer technology can solve business problems in new ways. The book is published in over 60 countries and in 25 languages. Future Tense has garnered critical acclaim and has been listed as a bestseller by The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Gates's previous book, The Road Ahead, published in 1995, topped the New York Times bestseller list for seven weeks.
Gates donated all proceeds from both books to non-profit organizations to support the use of technology for education and skills training.
In addition to his love of computers and software, Gates has an interest in biotechnology. He sits on the board of ICOS, a company that specializes in protein matrices and small molecule therapeutics. He is also an investor in many other biotech companies. Gates also founded Corbis, which is developing one of the world's largest visual information resources - a comprehensive digital archive of art and photography from public and private collections worldwide. In addition, Gates, along with cell phone pioneer Craig McCaw, has invested in Teledesic, an ambitious program that plans to use hundreds of low-orbit satellites to provide two-way broadband telecommunications services around the world.
Philanthropy is also very important to Gates. He and his wife, Melinda, have donated $3.46 billion to establish a fund to support philanthropy in the areas of global healthcare and education, with the hope that scientific and technological advances in these critical areas will benefit all of humanity as we move into the 21st century. To date, the fund established by Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, has spent $1.73 billion on global health and more than $900 million on improving learning conditions, including the purchase of computer equipment for the Gates Library, and Internet training and Internet access for public *** libraries in low-income communities in the United States and Canada. In addition, more than $260 million will be spent on community programs in the Pacific Northwest, and more than $380 million will be spent on special projects and annual gift-giving events.
Gates and Melinda French Gates were married on January 1, 1994, and have three children. They have three children. Gates loves to read and enjoys playing golf and bridge. Bill Gates is the only person in the world who thinks Warren Buffett is not an Iron Duke
Bill Gates retired on June 27, 2008, and what image does he hold in the minds of his colleagues at Microsoft? This when he was with him *** with the helm of Microsoft for 28 years of CEO Ballmer has the most to say. "He was a relatively introverted young man, not too talkative, but full of energy, especially active at night. It was so often the case that he was only ready for bed when I woke up in the morning." That's how Ballmer described Bill Gates in a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal. Ballmer is right, perhaps the only thing that is most critical to success is vigor, and that is the best gift that Bill Gates has left for all of us!
In 1970, when Gates was 15 years old, his computer talents were already known far and wide. Gates was approached by a company called Information Sciences, which wanted to offer computer time using the PDP-10 in exchange for the software skills of Gates and his classmate Paul. Since, by U.S. law, minors cannot be paid, the company decided to pay them $10,000 worth of computer time for designing payroll management software for the company. This gave them enough computer time for one school year, and they couldn't help but be happy.
In 1971, Lakeshore High School asked Gates to design a computer program for scheduling classes. At that time, the schedule was entirely manual, due to the number of students, the curriculum is complex and diverse, people scheduling often uneven distribution, resulting in overcrowding of students in some courses. Gates successfully completed this difficult task, which in turn enabled him to extend the valuable time of using computers.
In 1973, the U.S. defense project contractor TRW to develop a set of computer supervisory and control system for managing reservoirs, but the old can not eliminate a variety of computer bugs, slow progress, look to be punished for breach of contract. In this emergency, TRW learned of Gates and Paul Allen, two young computer geniuses, they asked for help, and the two boys happily agreed. It was a very specialized and difficult job, and as a rule, high school students could only get the low wages of work-study students. But Gates didn't mind; his main goal was to improve and hone his software design skills through this kind of work. Lakeshore High School was also open-minded enough to allow upperclassmen to intern and work in companies after completing their required courses. Thanks to Gates and Paul, it was finally possible for TRW to complete the project on time and avoid a huge fine. In turn, Gates and Paul received specific instruction from one of the company's computer specialists, allowing both to improve their software skills.
Young Gates shocked the computer world in the early 1970s when he wrote his famous Open Letter to Enthusiasts. Gates declared that computer software would be a huge commercial market, and that computer hobbyists should not feel free to copy computer programs without the consent of the original authors. The computer world at the time was influenced by the hacker culture and believed that creativity and knowledge should be ****enjoyed. Gates then left campus and single-handedly founded Microsoft, one of the world's most successful companies, and gradually industrialized software.
In 1975, at the age of 19, Gates predicted: "What does it mean to realize that the age of software is upon us, and that we have enough insight into the long-term potential of the chip? I'm not going to seize the opportunity now instead of finishing my Harvard degree, and the software industry is definitely not going to wait for me where I am."
In the mid-1980s Gates was so optimistic about the future of the optical disk as a data storage medium that he aggressively promoted the CD-ROM, but just last year he announced that the DVD would be obsolete.
When Apple's applied the mouse to the user interface in 1983 with its new product Lisa, it was a revolution in the personal computer industry. Gates immediately recognized the importance of a user-friendly graphical interface.
In 1990, Microsoft launched WINDOWS 3.0.
In 1995, Microsoft launched the Windows 95 operating system, which is a truly epoch-making software. It allowed users to get rid of the tedious and boring DOS commands, thus making personal computers extremely easy to use.
The Road Ahead, published in 1995, was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for seven weeks. Some of the book's predictions have come true.
Gates has also been accused of business misconduct. Gates was repeatedly sued for many of Microsoft's business practices under his leadership that violated U.S. law (antitrust laws). And was subjected to numerous lawsuits and was in danger of being split up. It is quite interesting to note that at the end of the 20th century, the two Bills (Bill Clinton and Bill Gates) ran into lawsuits and trouble almost simultaneously.
In 1998, Microsoft launched Windows 98, which was widely welcomed, and Microsoft consolidated its dominance in the computer software industry.
In 1999, Gates authored Future Tense, a book that showed how computer technology could solve business problems in new ways. The book was published in more than 60 countries and in 25 languages. Future Tense has won critical acclaim and has been listed as a bestseller in The New York Times, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and
In 2000, Gates appointed his longtime friend Steve Ballmer as Microsoft's CEO and himself as "Chief Software Architect".
In late 2001, Microsoft launched Windows XP, and Gates himself came to Times Square to sell it.
On April 18, 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Microsoft's headquarters in Redmond, near Seattle. Gates and Steve Ballmer met with Hu and gave him a tour of Microsoft's "House of the Future". At about 18:30, Hu attended a dinner hosted by Gates at his home.
On June 15, 2006, Gates announced that he would be retiring in July 2008, when he would resign as chief software designer and would no longer be involved in Microsoft's management. At the time of the announcement, Gates appeared relatively calm, but could not hide some of the sadness of the atmosphere, some employees even tears. Gates will concentrate on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to which Gates donated tens of billions of dollars of his family's money, and said he would leave only a few million dollars for his three children. A Microsoft employee said, "There is no doubt that his generosity has brought hundreds of thousands of people back to life." Shortly thereafter, stockbroker Warren Buffett announced that he would donate $3.17 billion to the Gates Foundation, provided the Gateses were still alive!
On January 30, 2007, Windows Vista had arrived as promised. Gates is now busy with his last major event as chief software designer, and after July 2008, the most sacred position at Microsoft will be handed over to Ray Oates. After that, he will devote himself to his foundation, but that doesn't mean he will be indifferent to Microsoft -- he says that he will still follow Microsoft's development after his retirement and offer constructive advice when appropriate.
On January 7, 2008, at the global CES 2008 show in Las Vegas, Bill Gates gave his retirement speech at the Microsoft exhibit! He is ready to resign from all positions in July 2008, June 26, 2008 South Korean Presidential Global Advisory Group was formally established, bringing together 15 global celebrities from all walks of life, such as Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft, to advise President Lee Myung-bak.
On October 23, 2009, Windows 7 was officially sold in China.
[edit]Accomplishments and honors
- On June 7, 2007, 30 years after leaving Harvard, he accepted an honorary Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree from Harvard University and was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) degree.
- On April 20, 2007, he was made an honorary trustee of Peking University and an honorary member of the Guanghua School of Management.
- On April 19, 2007, he was conferred an honorary doctorate degree from Tsinghua University, making him the 13th honorary doctor of Tsinghua University.
- Received the 2006 James Morgan International Philanthropist Award on November 15, 2006
- Ranked No. 1 on the 2006 Financial Times Second Rich List
- Named Time's Person of the Year in 2005, along with his wife, Melinda, and the lead singer of the rock band U2, Bono***, for their contributions to philanthropy
- Named the first person of the year to be honored by the Financial Times for their contributions to philanthropy.
- Knighted by the Queen in 2004.
- Named one of the 100 most influential people in journalism in 2001 by The Guardian
- Named one of the most powerful people of 1999 by The Sunday Times
- Ranked #2 in Upside's Elite 100 of 1999
- Ranked #1 in TIME's 50 Most Powerful People of the Web of 1998
- Sporting News' 1997 100 Most Powerful People in Sports- CEO Magazine's 1994 CEO of the Year
- Entomologists have also named a flower bug the Gates' aphid fly after him
- Seattle has a street named after him
[edit]Gates quotes
p> As of June 2008, Gates officially retired with an estate of $58 billion, with his will announcing that 98% of the money would be given to the Bill and Melinda Foundation, which he and his wife named, to research vaccines for AIDS and malaria and to provide aid to poor countries around the world. Forbes magazine released its ranking of the world's richest people on March 12, 2009, and Bill Gates returned to the top of the list with $40 billion in assets. From the major philanthropic activities in recent years, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is generous, for example, has donated $ 51.2 million to New York to establish 67 middle schools for minorities and low-income children; donated $ 168 million to help African countries to fight malaria; donated $ 50 million to Botswana to help fight AIDS there ... ...
The Bill and Melinda Gates[3] Gates Foundation, in the wake of the devastating earthquake in China's Sichuan province, donated $1.3 million (about 9.1 million yuan) to China's Ministry of Health, which will be used to support the ministry's water safety control and disease control efforts in quake-stricken areas.
Today, the Gates Foundation sent a second email to NetEase, confirming the donation of $1.3 million, which will be used through the Chinese Ministry of Health to support water safety and disease control in the quake-stricken areas.
The full text of the Gates Foundation's reply is as follows:
The Gates Foundation has donated $1.3 million to the Chinese Ministry of Health. This donation will be used to support the Ministry of Health's water safety and disease control efforts in the earthquake-affected areas. Thank you for your enthusiasm.
Mala Persaud
On behalf of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
[edit]Official Retirement
June 27, 2008, 12:00 GMT (June 27, 2008, 00:00 EST) - Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates ( Bill Gates, the founder and chairman of Microsoft, will formally retire from the company today, taking a step back from the day-to-day management of Microsoft. The current CEO, Gates college friend Steve Ballmer (Steve Ballmer) will take over the full power of Microsoft. Bill Gates will donate all of his property to the Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation (Bill & Miranda Gates Foundation), and will not leave a single penny to his children. At the same time, Gates himself will also devote himself to charity. Thereafter, Gates will only go to Microsoft one day a week, the rest of the time will be put on the charitable cause. Not long ago, Gates in the U.S. "Wall Street Journal" interview has said that his "retirement after 20% of the time to Microsoft, 80% of the time to do charity". According to overseas media reports, Gates has said, as a full-time philanthropist, he is going to the first station is China.
Farewell speech When he created Microsoft 33 years ago, Gates was also a developer, and Microsoft can have today's position as the industry leader, but also thanks to the developers of the Windows operating system. At his opening speech yesterday, Gates did not forget these creditors, "Microsoft's success lies in our relationship with developers."
Gates also spoke briefly about how he will be stepping down from the day-to-day management of Microsoft on July 1 to devote himself full-time to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which he founded with his wife, and said that he felt a bit rushed, "[Philanthropy] is going to push me into a new area, and it's the first time I've really changed jobs since I was 17 years old. Before that, I was completely absorbed in software development."
Bill Gates, founder of US software giant Microsoft, plans to retire as non-executive chairman of the company from the afternoon of the 27th to devote himself to philanthropy. This means that an era is coming to an end for Microsoft, but for the world means that there is one more full-time philanthropist. Gates said that he will be the first stop of the 2008 charity campaign for China, and plans to participate in the Beijing Olympic Games.
Will personally accept the results of China's smoking cessation
Gates, who will be a full-time philanthropist starting in the summer of 2008, said he is making China the first stop of his 2008 charitable activities, according to People's Daily. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will pursue several key health programs in China, including HIV/AIDS prevention, Hepatitis B vaccination, and smoking cessation, and seek to bring Chinese agricultural knowledge to improve agriculture in Africa.
Gates said, "China is an interesting country in that on the one hand it receives aid from other countries, and on the other hand it aids other poorer countries. They have the ability to do that, their economy has improved a lot, and they can do their part to help poorer countries."
China also has a lot of smokers. The Gates Foundation intends to launch a new program to help Chinese people quit smoking. Gates said, "It will be very interesting to learn about the strength of smoking cessation initiatives in China. Before the smoking cessation initiative, the level of wealth in the United States was relatively higher. I believe that China has the opportunity and the ability to do such things as well as the United States." Gates will personally accept the results of China's smoking cessation. He said he plans to visit Beijing to watch the Olympics.
Will introduce Chinese agricultural technology to Africa
For China's hepatitis B vaccination, the Gates Foundation has similarly lent a helping hand. According to statistics, China's hepatitis B patients account for about 10 percent of the total population. In the area of agriculture, the Gates Foundation will launch a number of related programs to introduce Chinese agricultural technology into Africa to help improve local crop yields. The world's two major rice research centers are in the Philippines and China. The Gates Foundation is working with Asian rice researchers to focus on Africa's need for more rice varieties and characteristics such as drought tolerance. There are cases where they just work with us and no funding is required from us for any of the activities," Gates said. There are also other cases where we will provide funding so that they can focus their attention on some of the issues that are showing up in Africa."
Will focus on China's AIDS problem
The Gates Foundation opened an office in Beijing last year to begin focusing on AIDS in China, bringing in Ray Yip, the former head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in China, to lead the program. It has invested $50 million up front in the program. Gates said the foundation has worked closely with China's Ministry of Health on the program. There are some programs, like AIDS, where they've welcomed us and we've worked very well together," he said. It depends on how y you work with the government on these things."
[edit]The final product
The final product: Windows 7
I'm afraid few people have heard of the term. While Windows Vista has just walked out Microsoft's door to eager consumers, Microsoft may have quietly changed its naming strategy for the operating system. As reported a long time ago, the next generation of operating systems after Windows Vista was codenamed "Fiji" (Fiji), but was later renamed "Vienna" (Vienna). Vienna), but the latest news suggests that the next OS after Vista will be renamed Windows 7.
September 25 news, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft announced on Wednesday that it will release a preview version of Windows 7 at next month's Professional Developer Conference (PDC).
Microsoft said on the PDC website that developers can get a preview version of the next-generation operating system, Windows 7, at the PDC conference on October 28, that is, before Beta 1 version. However, according to estimates, by then it may cost a premium to buy "Windows 7".
Beijing time on October 23 news, according to foreign blog analysis, recently Microsoft founder Gates quietly set up a company called bgC3 - has a high-tech office environment, a mysterious name and even has its own trademark. Will this be Bill Gates' next big business? A man who knows Gates well says it's just a way to harmonize Microsoft, Gates himself and his philanthropy. We know that Bill Gates won't ask his buddy Warren Buffett to steal the spotlight in the economic storm. According to new technology news site TechFlash, Bill Gates is only a few months away from saying goodbye to Microsoft. Perhaps bgC3 Inc. will continue Bill Gates' pursuit of science and technology. Their goal is not necessarily to set up a new company, but perhaps just to pass on some new ideas to Microsoft, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or others, people familiar with the matter said.
The company, originally called Carillon, was founded in March 2008, according to official data. It changed its name to bgC3 in early July of this year, 10 days after Gates left Microsoft-which he nurtured into an industry giant. For now, he remains Microsoft's chairman and continues to work part-time on the program.
The federal trademark filing provides more clues - bgC3, according to the General Trademark Classification, is broadly related to the following fields, including "scientific and technical services," "industrial analysis and research," and "design and development of computer hardware and software" and "design and development of computer hardware and software. "design and development of computer hardware and software."
[edit]Top Ten Mistakes
Microsoft announced that starting in July 2008, Chairman Bill Gates will no longer be responsible for the day-to-day management of the company and will spend more time on philanthropic endeavors. There is no doubt that Gates is one of the most important figures in the global PC industry, and has always kept up with the trends in technology, but he has not always been right, and here are the top 10 mistakes Gates has made at Microsoft.
As Gates fades out of his 31 years at the helm of Microsoft, an era is coming to an end, and it's only natural that the industry, the media, and even individuals will comment on what he did or didn't do at Microsoft. As chairman of Microsoft's board of directors and chief software designer, Gates successfully predicted many technology trends, but some of his mistakes are also obvious. Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft has launched a number of failed products or technologies, the following ten being the most prominent.
1, Microsoft BOB:
BOB is a product released by Microsoft in 1995, Microsoft hoped to improve the interface of Windows 3.1 program management through BOB, perhaps the concept is not a problem, but Bob has not really popular has been replaced. Looking at it objectively, Bob wasn't badly received, but its disappearance didn't draw much regret or nostalgia either, because it didn't solve as many problems as it brought. Interestingly, the director of the BOB development program was Gates' wife Melinda.
2. Windows ME:
This is perhaps Microsoft's most failed version of Windows to date, with a long list of installation and compatibility problems shortly after its launch in 2000. With WindowsXP hitting the market in 2001, WindowsME quickly faded into obscurity. Of course, WindowsMillennium wasn't without its faults; for example, the system recovery feature that was first available in that product was subsequently used in WindowsXP.
3. Tablet PCs:
There may still be a lot of supporters of tablet PCs, but the technology has a lot of problems and costs too much. In terms of market performance, the Tablet PC is undoubtedly a failure. Microsoft has decided to make tablet functionality a fundamental part of the Windows Vista operating system and no longer release it as a separate SKU.
4, SPOT watch:
Although the first Smart Personal Objective Technology (SPOT) watch prototype has been on the market for three years, the problem of this product's excessive size and rigid shape has not been solved. In addition, the SPOT watch lacked an attractive app to support it, and did not provide value for the hundreds of dollars spent on the product.
5, Microsoft Money:
If Microsoft's 1995 acquisition of Intuit's program did not encounter antitrust obstacles, the company may have been able to obtain Quicken software, and make their own Internet banking products to become the market leader. But it didn't work out that way, and Microsoft was left to design and develop its own financial software, Money, which was eventually left far behind by Intuit.
6. DOS 4.0:
When it comes to Microsoft, you can't help but talk about MSDOS, the predecessor of the Windows operating system, and of all the MSDOS versions, MSDOS 4.0 is undoubtedly one of the biggest failures, and it's a nightmare of flaws for Microsoft. According to Wikipedia, MSDOS 4.0 was based primarily on IBM's code base, not Microsoft's own.
7. Microsoft TV:
Microsoft has tried to enter the field of digital TV several times, but did not succeed. Does anyone now remember MicrosoftTiger, the video-on-demand program Microsoft launched in the early 1990s? However, Microsoft has not given up on its efforts in this area. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer (SteveBallmer) recently said that in the near future, IPTV will become one of the main driving forces to promote the rise in Microsoft's stock price and drive Microsoft's profit growth.
8, MSNBC partnership:
The cooperation between Microsoft and NBC has almost never been smooth. in December 2005, Microsoft basically launched the cooperation with NBC. However, Microsoft hasn't given up on its efforts to move in the direction of a content provider, and the company is currently hiring bloggers, TV teams, and other aspects of the media in hopes of creating an MSN media network.
9, real-time web conferencing software:
Microsoft's web conferencing product, LiveMeeting, is largely based on technology acquired from PlaceWare, and although it's been out for years, many consider it a failure. Of course, Microsoft hasn't given up on that front, and the company promises that the new version of LiveMeeting will be even better.
10. Failure to launch Microsoft Linux:
Microsoft should have launched its own Linux; it could have bought a Linxu distributor, or even named a branch of Windows Microsoft Linux; instead, it invested a lot of money in fighting the entire open source community. Microsoft should be joining the open-source camp, not trying to beat it.
[edit]Personal life
Other personal information
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and the world's richest man, is a household name, but the following information about him may be less well known - which of the following do you know?
Height: 183cm
Weight: 78kg
Constellation: Scorpio
Nickname: computer prodigy Left-handed
Hobbies: table tennis, Go ..... Computer software
Favorite singer: JOHN LENNON
Favorite food: hamburgers and coke
Admirer: Napoleon Warren Buffett
Motto: "I am the king" "I can win! "I can win."
Ideal: To lead the world down the road to the future of time
Social: Reluctant to initiate contact with people, but very prone to high-mindedness in a state of repression
Beliefs: Atheist
Emotions: Sudden panicky anger
Idea: In the 21st Century, computers and the Internet will lead to a more even distribution of wealth and power everywhere. distribution of wealth and power more evenly everywhere.
Management: The "propeller mind" and "Darwinian management" are the most effective means of operating Microsoft. The digital neural system is the inevitable model for the future of management.
● His father, William, is a corporate lawyer, and his mother, Mary, is a school teacher.
● At age 17, Gates sold his first piece of computer programming, a timesheet system, to his high school for $4,200.
● Gates scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT (the US college entrance exam) standardized test.
● Gates told his college teacher to be a millionaire by the time he was 30, and by the time he was 31 he was a billionaire. That means Gates knew he would be rich later in life, but he didn't expect to be this rich.
● While attending Harvard, Gates helped write Altair BASIC, which became Microsoft's (then known as Micro-Soft) first product.
The Complete Biography of Bill Gates ● He met his future wife, Melinda French, who was then a Microsoft employee, at a 1987 Microsoft launch in Manhattan. They were married on New Year's Day 1994.
● Whenever Gates was thinking or paying attention, he would rock back and forth in his chair, a quirk that dated back to when he was a kid and liked to rock for hours on a wooden horse - and Microsoft employees have since become accustomed to seeing their bosses think, listen, and rock for hours while attending meetings. rocking ......
● In 2005, Gates was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.
● The March 2007 issue of Forbes magazine again named Bill Gates the world's richest person, marking the 13th consecutive year he has received the title. He is currently worth $58 billion.
● Gates recently announced that he would be phasing out his work at Microsoft and devoting more time to philanthropy.
● There is currently a building named after Gates at Carnegie Mellon University (a university in Pennsylvania, USA) - the Gates Computer Science Building.
● Gates is the latest owner of the Leicester Codex, a 72-page Leonardo da Vinci codex. The codex contains observations on the nature of water, astronomy, rocks, and fossils. Gates puts the codex on public display once a year in a different city around the world.
● Bill Gates makes $67.50 per second, $5.832 million per day, and $2.13 billion per year.
● The U.S. national debt is about $562 billion, which Bill Gates could afford alone if he were asked to pay it off