Disorderly Sentence - Make Sentences with Disorderly

(1) If disorder is the law you must obey, you will be punished for seeking order.

(2) Benevolence is the righteousness of the world, and when it is lost, disorder and discord prevail.

(3) Never stop, the interest group approach to politics is chaotic and disorganized, and if anyone wants to bring my campaign to a screeching halt, this is the place to do it.

(4) It's against the rules of the market economy to go out of your way, and letting it go unchecked leads to unchecked competition.

(5) It is only when this disorder is delineated and fixed by description that it is itself clarified. But the clarification of this Wu Xudong is no longer part of this story.

(6) Doing business must be a combination of orderly and disorderly, orderly is a prescribed action disorderly is optional, there is no order without the executive force combat, there is no order without innovation and creativity, action to be orderly thinking can be some disorder, disorder must be in the framework of the corporate culture.

(7) The best boss in the history of professional sports is strolling in his cluttered and disorderly expansion of the small mountain, from time to time came to an ornate, with three open holes, wooden door.

(8) To store an object in an unordered associative container, you need a key-value equivalence function and a hash function.

(9) Holiday markets are chaotic and unorganized and must be further managed.

(10) This paper points out that the difference between the civil industrial enterprises in the organization of the internal relocation of powerlessness and disorder, the military industrial enterprises in the internal relocation of preparation, planning, organization and order.

(11) The number and position of bound-state energy levels depend on the coupling and topological disorder of electrons.

(12) I want the spiritual torch of Jainism to bring the light of truth and peace*** to the dark world that is embarking on the path of misery, parochialism and disorder.

(13) Gomez Dhritarashtra, the founder of Jainism, said Gómez de la Serna said that a disordered world is a world that is not in order. Gomez de la Serna said that a disordered world can only produce disordered and broken expressions. One should recognize one's own situation and not expect things to point to oneself, but look for oneself in things. Fan Ye (modern)

(14) Diagnosis of neuromuscular disorganization by means of the actinic current tracer.

(15) The blockage and scarcity of knowledge makes one lost, and the clutter and disorder of books also makes one lost. The old saying goes, "It is better to believe in books than to have no books at all." This was said in the days when books were available. ...... This may be an age when books are growing in number and their influence is shrinking by the day. Chen Danqing

(16) As we enter Miluo City, the flow of the river slows down, but the uncontrolled mining of sand dredgers destroys the natural form of the river, greatly affecting the safety of the flood season.

(17) JiBX bound inputs treat child elements as unordered sets, and call a set method specific to that class of element when each child element is disordered.

(18) An ancient house on the Nanxi River, with a courtyard of pebbles on the riverbank, where the disordered rows form a beautiful natural pattern.

(19) For example, if a hash table or other unordered data structure is used to manage data in an application domain, there may be additional work to reassemble the elements in the order set in the schema.

(20) The effect of mixed-crystal disorder effects on the fine structure of the electron thermal capture barrier is analyzed and discussed using first-principles pseudopotential method calculations.

(21) In the world, there are definitely not only two colors of black and white, two virtues of good and evil, two forces of enemy and self, two claims of good and bad, and two classes of capital and no class. We have to be good at facing and grasping a large number of intermediate states, filtered states, disordered states and self-contradictory states, adjustable states, plastic states, and so on.

(22) He "knew that he could not do it", and did not run away from a chaotic society, but actively tried to change it.

(23) Aging? It is not the worst thing that can happen to a person, but the worst thing that can happen to a person is that he or she gets tired and loses the courage to face it. Loneliness is nothing compared to the chaos and disorder of everyday life.

(24) In some industries, it is difficult to make an accurate and complete industry statistics, and it is difficult to plan for the development of the industry, so a lot of unnecessary duplication of production, duplication of construction, duplication of the introduction of repeated repeated; the lack of management of the industry, which has led to uncontrolled competition, killing each other, and the proliferation of fake and shoddy.

(25) Therefore, enterprises need to be open-minded and absorb the advanced experience of the outside world to promote the transformation of disorder into order.

(26) In New York State, where the news is on a 24-hour cycle, the media is relentless, and the interest groups' approach to politics is chaotic, if anyone wants to bring my campaign to a screeching halt, this is the place to do it.

(27) Despite the fact that I have a small piece of furniture in my house, and that everything in the room is quite chaotic and disorganized, I love my home.

(28) Some local police believe that there is a link between the increase in the number of street robberies and the disorganization of the lottery.

(29) Consider the proposed thin hydrotalcites as an evolutionary series, with changes in the interlayer structural water leading to the evolution of the structure from amorphous to crystalline, disordered to ordered.

(30) The other day, I went to a hospital to have an IUD inserted, and when I walked into the operating room, I saw that the surrounding area was dirty and disorganized, and the surgical instruments were not neatly placed, so I felt very uncomfortable.

(31) The structure of the analyte is very dense and hard, and it is a disordered aggregate.

(32) While competition has contributed to the rapid development of the color TV industry, it has also led to other problems that should not be ignored, such as disordered competition.

(33) Excessive and disorderly changes in foreign exchange can have a negative impact on the economy.

(34) The entire Elevated Railway was not long ago overgrown with weeds and wildflowers, and the third and final part of the railroad, north of 30th Street, remains unimproved.

(35) This article analyzes the current situation of uncontrolled competition in the nixing pottery industry, explains its causes, and gives corresponding countermeasures.

(36) The concept of coordinate association is introduced to link those disorderly and fragmented coordinate points with physical and logical relationships to make them into an organic whole.

(37) Along with the chaos of the famine, barter created a chaotic, unorganized private market for a brief period without government regulation.

(38) You just need to add a line break and a description line to the unordered list.

(39) Poor equipment, unorganized labor management, and low levels of production in companies that employ child labor are another reason for the poor conditions in which child labor occurs.

(40) Vacation is to spend money, work is to earn money; vacation is disorderly, work is orderly; vacation is a pastime, work is full of. I wish you can go to work happily after the National Day!

(41) Other people find geography confusing, disorganized, and difficult to learn.

(42) It was also found that disorganization leads to a decrease in the magnetic moment, and that as the strength of the disorganization increases the system may shift from antimagnetic to paramagnetic.

(43) However, many natural systems, specifically living organisms, can successfully produce order from disorder.

(44) Note: The translations of the underlined parts of the following article are given, but they are divided into parts and arranged disorderly. There are two redundant translations in each question mark.

(45) At present, there is a lack of planning and guidance in the catering industry in China, and there is a phenomenon of blind, disorderly and low-level development in the rapid development.

(46) With the over-exploitation and disorderly mining of manganese ore, the reserves of high-grade manganese ore have become less and less, and how to effectively utilize the poor, fine, and miscellaneous low-grade rhodochrosite manganese ore has become a research direction.

(47) Just like the everyday life with the same name, this chaos is disordered, ominous, and not fully imaginable.

(48) The flowers of the Lanting are disordered, and thereafter there is no separation. Wang Xizhi

(49) Chaos, disorder, and fighting are often seen, and several people have been killed in such fights.

(50) Structural disorder associated with bond angle distortion at low sputtering power is a major contributor to the narrowing of the optical bandgap.

(51) Crystallographic calculations were performed to calibrate the two structures present in the main crystal phase of BMT, the 1:2 ordered hexagonal superlattice structure and the disordered cubic structure.

(52) We calculated the phonon density of states curves and compared them to the case of a homogeneous alloy and to the case where the force constant disorder is not taken into account.

(53) Finally, we simulate the motion of matter-wave bandgap solitons in a disordered system and find their propagation properties.

(54) This thesis focuses on the transport properties of one-dimensional long-range correlated disordered systems, including diagonally correlated disorder and non-diagonally correlated disorder, under the tight-binding approximation.

(55) For comparison, we also calculate the corresponding properties for 1D single crystals as well as for 1D disordered systems.

(56) The brain's processing of information appears to be more disordered than has long been hypothesized, as verified by a new study by scientists at the University of Bonn.

(57) As the brain's thoughts flowed, the confusion of consciousness became clearer, the disorganized structure of cognition became more orderly, and gradually, a whole new world opened up before my eyes.

(58) But on the other hand, the process of integration and development is more or less characterized by insufficient coordination, disordered competition and management, and low-level duplication of construction, which affects development and even destroys resources.

(59) Xinyi Silverstone Tin Mine, due to the large amount of uncontrolled mining in the early stage, formed a large irregular mining area, which seriously threatened the production safety of the mine after the commissioning of the mine.

(60) When they escape from this society full of constraints and arrive at an imaginary paradise, will they be plunged into a disordered and rootless state of confusion? Human life can experience a psychopathic relief from the order of the real world, but it cannot survive and reproduce in it for a long time.

(61) It is found that the one-dimensional mechanical behavior of the disordered orientation of SFRC of short fibers with volume content f is equivalent to the mechanical behavior of the uniaxially oriented SFRC of short fibers with volume content F on the orientation axis.

(62) The formation of offshore rapids at the mouth of the Luanhe River is discussed, and it is concluded that the convergence of tidal currents and the special topography are the main reasons for the formation of rapids, and the size of rapids mainly depends on the amount of disordered potential energy released.

(63) It is due to the fundamental differences in global economic and political structures that humanity as a whole is still struggling with great injustice, discord, and disorder. Dongsheng Zhai

(64) We just practiced the sliding door technique, creating navigation labels with plain text and unordered lists, with a little styling.

(65) As mentioned above, unordered containers need a helper array to work.

(66) Everyone agrees that Greece needs to be rebuilt in an orderly fashion, because an unordered default would cause the entire eurozone to collapse.

(67) Video games aren't the only ones with a theme of turning disorder into order; the newspapers we read every day have Sudoku and Scrabble puzzles for organizing disorganized numbers.

(68) When we throw ourselves at the mercy of the 'one', we are in fact in a state of self-containment and anxious disorder, with low self-esteem and weakness running through us. Bishop

(69) One of the reasons for the chaotic orbits of asteroids is light, known as the Yarkovsky effect.

(70) Real life is disordered, but there is a certain logic to imagination. It is the imagination that makes remorse follow sin, and it is the imagination that makes every sin produce strange offspring. Wilde

(71) Specify database document support and multiple recordset views, but unordered columnization.

(72) Because the bus routes in Juárez are disorganized, spies use them to cross into areas controlled by drug-trafficking networks.

(73) While the clusters were multiplying, they were being killed innocently as a public nuisance!

(74) The specter of evil exists in the machine, where disorganized code freely combines to form unforeseen programs.

(75) I saw a paper kite flying over a strange village outside the window of my car, and I saw a flock of birds flying disorderly in the fields and woods, kites or birds, the shadows of people's past as well as their future. Su Tong

(76) Busyness dictates the body, often without choice; affection dictates the greetings, often shelved in the memory; weather dictates the mood, often still raining. Life is messy and disorganized, don't be too hard on yourself, I wish you all the best!

(77) At the same time, Liu Xiaodu also believes that the new city is one of the effective countermeasures to solve the urban disorder comic.

(78) In modern times, recognizing the complexity of the world's disorder, ambiguity, and randomness, and the interdependence of human beings and nature, these two separate disciplines are again moving towards convergence.

(79) RESULTS: Imaging showed degenerative changes in all groups, such as disc space narrowing and disorganization, subchondral sclerosis, osteophyte formation, and atrophy of the cone endplates.

(80) The definitions of the macroscopic disorder in a system of totally indiscernible particles and the average disorder of the system are given, and the theorems and formulas related to them are established.

(81) Packing up books, organizing the mood, the two mutually disordered disorder, ten years of sword, just for two days, 90 students of the growth of the monument, accompanied by yesterday's last battle, once again be refreshed, may we pack up the mood, organizing the life, laugh at the future every day.

(82) based in the French capital of Paris, the Foundation for Strategic Studies special adviser Fran?ois? As you know, NATO has no interest in arguing with Hollande, and the priority is to avoid creating the impression that there will be an unorganized withdrawal (of French troops)," said Espoo.

(83) The contemporary speculation and sale of repatriated artifacts in China is somewhat of a reflection of the disorganization of the art market and the lack of aesthetic capacity of the people, which is the new expression of Orientalism in the 21st century.

(84) The peaks and ridges of the art world are stacked on top of each other, disorderly and organized, winding away from near and far, without end.

(85) One is a disordered, uncontrolled, continuous chain reaction, in which the nucleus of an atom struck by a neutron turns into two neutrons, two into four, rising in an instant in an isobaric progression.

(86) Now, Shen Yan, who is holding a pair of dragon's teeth, is facing the disorderly zombie hordes in front of him, and there is no so-called "fishing" in his heart.

(87) Penalties for parking and disorganized vehicles can serve as a warning to others.

(88) Figure 1, whether in the composition of the branches and trunks, or the plum blossoms gathered and scattered embellishments, appear to be chaotic, not clean and sharp and seemingly disorganized, not to Figure 2, a clear and concise performance.

(89) In particular, in order to avoid the social chaos caused by homophobic revenge, the investigation and disposal of suspects should be carried out by the judicial organs according to law.

(90) The management committee of the CU Cloth Market even feared that the expansion of uncontrolled competition might eventually lead to the decline of the market.

(91) This newspaper reported that the station in Wanning City, there are private cars to snatch passengers for two months now, the reporter yesterday at the station to see, this competition to pressure the price of the disorderly situation still continues.

(92) These fine lines seem to flow in a chaotic and disorderly manner, but in fact they contain endless mysteries.

(93) Third, the four provinces liquor are faced with production decentralization, disorderly competition, environmental tightening, lagging behind in innovation, the industry outside the coveted and other practical difficulties and problems.

(94) The newspaper reported that "the government spends a lot of effort to the West China Sea to improve so beautiful, we are worried that if the relevant departments do not take action, Maluan Bay may return to the previous situation of disorderly breeding.

(95) The high-speed development of the automobile era has brought a short period of speed and convenience, followed by environmental pollution, traffic congestion, and ultimately caused the growth of disorderly city, road system and travel efficiency is therefore low.

(96) My child is a student at Zhichunli Middle School in Haidian District, and there used to be a disorderly morning market outside the walls of his school, which closed before noon every day without interfering with the students' studies.

(97) For example, cashmere sweaters and barley wine, which were once popular in and outside the province, have suffered from unorganized competition and the flooding of the market with fake and shoddy products, which ultimately led to a decline in the efficiency of the enterprises, the market has shrunk, and many consumers have been lost.

(98) The population of the world is increasing day by day, and the chaos of disorder is also growing rapidly.

(99) It is so cluttered and unorganized that some of it has already been torn down, but new advertisements have been put up.

(100) For a while after the gate was opened, Sun Xiu-cheng clearly heard various hissing noises, and hearing these disorganized noises, Sun Xiu-cheng's mind immediately reflected one word - zombies! "hello!".

(101) Before World War I, trade and economic relations among the powers were in a state of vicious and disorderly competition.

(102) The way to control your subordinates is to make them grateful for your rewards and fearful of your authority, but if you do not distinguish between masters and servants, and if you do not have a sense of order, things will happen sooner or later.

(103) Encouragement of the government and social capital cooperation investment environment needs to be further improved, at the same time, the private capital due to the lack of understanding of the policy, to eat through, there are still scattered, investment disorder.

(104) Some salespeople, after understanding consumers' purchasing needs, would sell pirated software for as little as 10 yuan, and would guarantee that it was "non-toxic, unregistered and free of activation".

(105) In Yang Bing's consciousness, after seven or eight minutes, the middle-aged man assembled the bones, which Yang Bing saw as disorganized, but which conformed to a pattern that Yang Bing didn't know was there, by means of a magical distillation.

(106) The disorganization of surgical detoxification shows the ambiguity of the existing rules of medical management, and whether surgical detoxification can be put on the right track is a test of the level of medical management.

(107) The main reason for the failure was the unorganized "rush to the microphone" and the dispersed views.

(108) The fact that well-known brands such as Haojixing and Haoeitong have fallen into disrepute during quality checks has caused market participants to worry about the current chaotic and unorganized market for electronic dictionaries.

(109) This night, half a day's sleep, is even more stressful than before, but the key is that the feeling of stress and disorder is very exhausting to his brain cells.

(110) The old factory building "transformation movement" surging tide of planning experts: to avoid blindness and disorder.

(111) The lack of synergy between staff will distract and waste human, financial, material and time resources, leading to disorganization of work.

(112) It is flying up and down in a seemingly chaotic, yet mysterious manner. ......

(113) The endless streams of heat waves are twisted and entangled together in a seemingly chaotic movement, but with an inexplicable trajectory.

(114) Establishment of a system of announcements and public notices, so that there is no hiding place for agencies that violate the rules and compete in a disorderly manner.

(115) Once the external interference, the fixed star is not accurate, or due to psychological barriers to manipulate the scale hand is not stable, the conflict will lose the standard of weighing and fair judgment, resulting in social disorder and imbalance of interests.

(116) Outright farmers! Under the butcher's knife, sometimes 3,000 people are not as good as 3,000 head of cattle and sheep, chaos! Chaos! Liao Chun had to follow the flow of people, running in a disorderly manner, just like a piece of water grass with the waves.

(117) Yesterday, the reporter in the Bali Terrace, Hai Guangsi and many other bus stops to see was posted on the rental information, sales information and other small advertisements, posted in a chaotic and disorderly manner, some of them have been torn down, and then pasted on a new one.

(118) So, how can the city develop without "spreading the cake"? Ruan Chengfa said that in the next 20 years, within the third ring road to intensive development, outside the third ring road to develop new settlements, can not be spread out in a disorderly manner.

(119) In Coconut Grove, the eastern suburb of Wenchang, the coastline has receded nearly 200 meters inward due to the destruction of coastal forests caused by uncontrolled development of the coastline, the original "Coconut Grove Bay".

(120) While becoming the world's largest automobile production and sales market, China's automobile after-sales demand for car maintenance is also growing rapidly, and the after-sales market environment is becoming more and more obvious contradictions, and the industry is still monopoly barriers.