Cow Science (4th Edition) Taylor (author), Ensminger (author), Bird (translator), Wang Yachun (translator) and Zhang Shengli (translator).
Breastfeeding and Milking: Jane Hu Man (author), Michel Vattio (author), Shi Yan (translator) and Shi Fushun (translator).
Reproduction and Genetic Selection Author: Michel Vatio, Translator: Shi Fushun, Translator: Shi Yan
Raising heifers: Michel Vattio (author), Shi Fushun (translator) and Shi Yan (translator).
Nutrition and feeding: Michel Vattio (author), Shi Yan (translator) and Shi Fushun (translator)
Nutritional requirements of dairy cows (7th revision) (200 1 year) > National Scientific Research Council (author), Meng Qingxiang (translator).
Jindun Publishing House "Handbook of Healthy and Efficient Feeding of Beef Cattle"