Magnesium-the main element of popular science of nutrition knowledge

Magnesium-the main element of popular science of nutrition knowledge

Physiological function of magnesium

Activate the activities of various enzymes;

Inhibition of potassium and calcium channels;

Maintain bone growth and neuromuscular excitability;

Maintain intestinal function;

Conducive to gallbladder and laxative.

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency can lead to neuromuscular overexcitation;

Hypomagnesemia can include atrioventricular premature beats, atrial fibrillation and ventricular fibrillation, and half of the blood pressure increases;

Insulin resistance and osteoporosis.

Magnesium excess

Magnesium poisoning can be seen when the blood magnesium is increased, such as renal insufficiency, early diabetic ketosis, adrenocortical insufficiency, myxedema, myeloma, oxalic acid poisoning, lung diseases and arthritis.

Diarrhea is a sensitive index to evaluate magnesium poisoning.

Dietary reference intake

Adults: 330 mg/day.

Factors promoting magnesium absorption:

Amino acids and lactose in the diet can obviously promote absorption in the case of drinking water for a long time.

Factors unfavorable to magnesium absorption:

Excessive phosphorus, oxalic acid and phytic acid are absorbed in the same way as dietary fiber magnesium and calcium, and will interfere with each other because of competitive absorption.

Food source: green leafy vegetables, coarse grains and nuts.