Is domestic well water better or tap water? Scientific basis

Well water without pollution is better than any tap water. Because natural well water is weakly alkaline, it is slightly acidic from tap water. Human cells have strict requirements on the pH value of body fluids. In weakly alkaline body fluids, cells can work normally and maintain vitality. When the body fluid pH is lower than 7.35, the human body is likely to be in a sub-health state. Healthy drinking water is weakly alkaline water, that is, natural water containing minerals and trace elements.

Tap water has been treated with chlorine by waterworks. Although pollution has been treated simply, residual chlorine has caused a sharp increase in the number of cancer-causing people.

Well water is rainwater seeping into the ground, naturally filtering through soil and sand, and finally reaching your well. The advantages of well water are: first, free; Secondly, if there is no pollution source nearby, it is pure natural water. Disadvantages are: firstly, there is no disinfection; Secondly, there may be factories nearby that illegally discharge pollutants into the ground; Third, natural rainfall may also carry pollutants. So well water may contain chemical pollutants and bacteria, which is not good for health.

According to official regulations, groundwater that has not been disinfected or tested cannot be used as drinking water.

Tap water is generally river water, groundwater, or a mixture of the two. But all tap water is disinfected and filtered. After boiling or filtering in a domestic water dispenser, it can reach the drinking standard.

Therefore, well water is best used only for watering flowers, washing clothes and washing yards, and tap water is more suitable for drinking.