1, the role of auxiliary speech We should all know that human speech cannot be separated from vocal cords and an important organ, that is, the tongue. The tongue is a heavy organ that assists pronunciation and speech. Without a tongue, we humans can't speak and pronounce at all.
Not only that, problems with the tongue band will also affect the normal pronunciation and speech of human beings. For example, some children's tongue strap problems can lead to inaccurate pronunciation.
2. One method of TCM diagnosis of diseases is looking, smelling, asking and feeling, among which looking is the first of the four diagnoses, and observing the tongue from looking is particularly important. Chinese medicine teachers can help diagnose diseases by observing the color, shape and coating of the tongue. This shows that the tongue can reflect a person's health.
3. What is the function of stirring food? Our food needs to be chewed in the mouth first, and then digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract through the esophagus. However, the process of chewing in the mouth can not be completed by teeth alone. This process also requires the tongue to play the role of stirring. Without the tongue, these foods can't be fully stirred and can't enter the esophagus smoothly. The human tongue plays the role of stirring and assisting swallowing.
Generally speaking, although the human tongue is a very humble small organ, it plays a great role in the human body. We should take good care of our tongue, and don't eat anything too salty or too sweet, which will damage the taste sensitivity of our tongue, especially for infants.