Excel national physical health rating scale

The data structure of figure 1 needs to be improved, and the best results are arranged from small to large. The worksheet name does not show the location of the output results.

We take the accounting of two projects as an example. Suppose the table in figure 1 is in the [Sheet 1] worksheet, and figure 2 is in the Sheet2 worksheet:

1. To calculate the vital capacity score, you can enter the formula in the S2 cell of worksheet 2:

=IF(G2= 1, find (4000-L2, 4000-Sheet 1! $C$3:$C$22,Sheet 1! $B$3:$B$22), search (4000-L2, 4000-Sheet 1! $D$3:$D$22,Sheet 1! $ b $ 3:$ b $22)

Copy it and put it down. But because the grade data are arranged from big to small, the operation is much more complicated.

2. To calculate the score of 50m, you can enter the formula in the T2 cell of the worksheet Sheet2:

=LOOKUP(L2,IF(G2= 1,Sheet 1! $E$3:$E$22,Sheet 1! $F$3:$F$22),Sheet 1! 3 dollars: 22 dollars)

Copy it and put it down.

Specifically, after you read the formula, study it yourself.