1, social diagnosis. By analyzing a wide range of social problems, we can understand the correlation between social problems and health problems, and its key contents include social environment and quality of life.
2. Epidemiological diagnosis. The main task is to objectively determine the main health problems of the target population and the behavioral and environmental factors that cause health.
3. Behavior diagnosis. The main purpose is to identify behavioral risk factors that lead to diseases or health problems in the target population.
4. Environmental diagnosis. Is to lay the foundation for determining the environmental objectives of intervention.
5. Educational diagnosis. Behavior is influenced by many factors, including genetic factors, environmental factors and learning factors. In Green's model, these factors are divided into three categories: tendency factors, reinforcement factors and contribution factors. Any kind of healthy behavior will be affected by these three factors. Educational diagnosis mainly analyzes these three factors: tendency factor, promotion factor and reinforcement factor.
6. Management and policy diagnosis. The core contents of management and policy diagnosis are organizational evaluation and resource evaluation. Organizational evaluation includes internal analysis and inter-organizational analysis.