20 ways to improve IQ 20 ways to improve IQ

1, drive your brain cells. Studies show that people who get enough exercise have better brains. Do some sports, choose training programs such as marathon, triathlon or "fun race", or find a partner to make sports interesting.

2. Exercise thinking and make brain cells active, not just physical exercise. Just like taxi drivers and piano players, you can build them by using various areas in your brain. Lawrence C. Katz, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University and co-author of Let Your Brain Be New, found a simple way to use the degenerated part of the brain, which not only helps to maintain nerve cells, but also helps dendrites and axons on cells to receive and transmit information. Katz said, just as new weightlifting helps to exercise underutilized muscles, thinking and observing the world in a novel way helps to improve the function of inactive parts of the brain. Experience new tastes and smells; Do things with hands that you don't usually use; Find some new ways to drive to work; Travel to new places; Performing artistic creation; Read Dostoevsky's novels; Write a brotherly comedy for Ted Kennedy and Rush Lin Bao-basically, do everything possible to make your brain abnormal.

3. Ask more why. Our brains are linked with curiosity. As we grow up and become "mature", many people begin to suppress or deny their natural curiosity. Make you curious! Ask yourself why these things happen. Ask someone who knows. The best way to exercise curiosity is to ask "Why?" Get into the habit of asking at least ten "why" every day. Your brain will become happy and you will be surprised to find that there are so many opportunities and solutions in your life and work.

4. Laugh. Scientists tell us that laughter is good for health; It can promote the release of endorphins and other positive chemicals in the body. In fact, I don't need scientists to tell us that laughter can bring good feelings. Laughter can help us decompress and break old patterns. Therefore, laughter can be seen as a quick charge to the brain. Laugh a lot!

5. Eat more fish heads. Omega-3 oil exists in walnuts, flaxseed, especially fish, and has long been sold as a health care product beneficial to the heart. But recent research shows that it is also a brain booster, not only because it helps the circulatory system to deliver oxygen to the brain. It can also improve the cell membrane function of brain cells, which may explain why people who eat a lot of fish are not prone to depression, mental decline and even attention disorder. Scientists have noticed that fatty acids are necessary for the normal development of children's brains, and they are added to the infant's diet formula. Eating enough of this oil can improve your brain power and even your intelligence. Eating fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna at least three times a week is a good start.

6. memory. Find an old photo album or high school yearbook. Your brain is a memory machine, so give it a chance to work! Take some time to remember. Let your mind reflect on yourself, it will bring you positive emotions, and the new connection with memory will help your current work and challenges.

7. lose weight. Fat will reduce the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to the brain and the metabolism of glucose, which is the food of the brain. You can still get 30% of your daily calories from fat, but most of the rest should come from the aforementioned fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds. Whatever you do, you should be in stay away from obesity. Those biscuits and snacks are full of hardened oil.

8. Play guessing games. Some people like puzzles, crossword puzzles and logic games-it doesn't matter which game you choose. Doing some guessing games in your spare time is a good way to activate your brain and keep it in good working condition. Do some puzzles and have some fun, but do it while knowing that you are exercising your brain.

9. Mozart effect: More than a decade ago, Frances Lauhill, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, and her colleagues found that listening to Mozart music can improve people's mathematical and spatial reasoning abilities. Even if a mouse walks in a maze, listening to Mozart's music is faster and more accurate than listening to white noise or minimalist composer philip glass's music. Last year, Lausher reported that at least for mice, a Mozart sonata can stimulate the activity of three genes related to nerve cell signals in the brain. This sounds like the most harmonious way to regulate mental function. But before you pick up the CD, see what you need to pay attention to. Not everyone who expected the Mozart effect found it. Moreover, even its supporters believe that music improves the brain only because it makes listeners feel better-relaxed and excited at the same time-and similar stimuli can be done. In fact, a study found that listening to stories can also bring similar promotion.

10, improve the skills of what you have done. As long as you want to expand your ability and knowledge, some repetitive mental stimulation is not bad. Planting, sewing, playing bridge, reading, painting and doing crossword puzzles are also valuable, but you should try different gardening skills, make more complicated sewing methods, play bridge with more talented opponents to increase your skills, read articles by new authors in various fields, learn a new painting skill and do more difficult crossword puzzles. Push your brain to a new height and make it healthy.

1 1. Be a thinker, not an alcoholic. As we all know, alcohol will kill brain cells, but the fact is a little more complicated. In fact, a survey of 3,500 Japanese people found that those who drink moderately (in this case, about once a day) have better cognitive ability in their old age than those who don't drink at all. Unfortunately, once you exceed this "moderate" amount, your memory and reaction time will decline. In the same study, those who drank four or more drinks a day were the worst off. Equally harmful is the ubiquitous weekend "binge drinking". Studies on mice found that the number of new cells in the hippocampus of rats who drank a lot of alcohol immediately decreased. In fact, there were no new cells within a month after binge drinking. This shows that alcohol will not only damage the brain of mice, but also prevent them from repairing themselves. For humans, this means that you can't expect to pass the Mensa entrance exam soon. Spend time playing. Find time to play. Playing cards. Play video games. Play chess. Look at the call of the night. Take part in the tug-of-war competition. It doesn't matter what you play. Is to fight! It's good for your brain and brain. This gives your brain a chance to think strategically while keeping it running.

Sleep next to the memory. Preview key information and then go to sleep, which helps to improve memory by 20% to 30%. If this information makes you sleepy, you will easily take it to sleep. But if your mind keeps you awake and writes everything down, sometimes you can "drive them out of your head" to sleep in this way (so always keep paper and pens at your side).

13, concentrated. Concentration can improve brain power. This is obvious, but the factors that interfere with attention are not always so obvious. Learn to pay attention when you are distracted. Usually the reason is subconscious. For example, if you need to make a phone call, it may disturb you all morning and destroy your ability to think clearly, that is, you don't realize what is bothering you. Get into the habit of stopping and asking "What's going on in your head now". Identify it and deal with it. In the example just now, you can make a phone call, or put it on tomorrow's schedule, so that your brain can be easily put down. This makes you feel more relaxed and think better. Use this method to improve your brain power now!

14, passionate activity. You can't do great work without heart and soul. When people grow up in learning and creation, they will go all out and put more energy into their work than 127%. Please yourself or please the world. Remember, when you were young, you devoted all your energy to what you liked. This is your path to genius. Leonardo da Vinci, Edison, Einstein and Picasso all loved activities and exploration.

15, consciousness cycle. Your consciousness is sometimes strong and sometimes weak in a day. In most cases, there is a 30-minute weak consciousness period every 90 minutes. Observe yourself to understand this cycle. If you learn to understand and track your mental state, you can focus on the most important thinking activities when your mind is "clearest". In order to understand a problem creatively, think in the opposite direction. This kind of work should be done when you are sleepy and when your consciousness and thinking are declining.

16, learn something new. This item can obviously be established. Yes, when we let the brain learn new things, we are developing its great potential. Maybe you have a specific theme about work and leisure that you want to study. That's good. Go and study. If you don't have a topic in your mind now, learn a new word every day. Active vocabulary is closely related to intelligence. When there are new words in your vocabulary, your brain can think about the subtle differences between these two ideas in new ways. Keep your brain learning. This is the best way to recharge the brain.

Write for reading. Writing for yourself must be very valuable. When writing something that needs reading, the brain is well activated. The biggest advantage of writing is that it can expand your brain capacity. Find ways to write for reading, such as writing something for your friends, writing some stories about your childhood and starting your own blog. Anyway, write for reading!

18. Try aromatherapy to activate your brain. Spices that can be used as emotional stimulants are mint, poplar and lemon. The soothing smells are: ylang ylang, geranium and rose. A few drops of essential oil in the bathtub or diffuser can help. You can also drop a drop or two in a cotton ball or handkerchief to inhale the smell. Warning for office use: first make sure that no one is allergic to the essential oil you use.

19, drugs improve brain power. Coffee or other caffeinated drinks can help students keep high marks in exams. Because caffeine restricts blood vessels in the brain, its long-term effect on brain power is not clear. So try to use ginkgo tea and centella asiatica tea instead of coffee. Ginkgo biloba extract has been proved to improve cerebral blood flow and attention.

20. Build trust in your brain. Surround yourself with ambitious people who can inspire you and stimulate your creativity in all fields. Read magazines in various fields extensively. Connect people, places and things, explore new opportunities and find answers to your questions.