What should I do to reduce fat healthily?

# 1 Eliminate the oil used in cooking food.

As mentioned above, the calorie content of fat is extremely high. Usually because it is fried, a lot of unnecessary calories will be added to the food. For example, a tablespoon (15ml) of oil may contain 140 calories. It's really easy to quickly add a lot of calories in a meal without even noticing it. This increases calories, but it can't provide you with much nutrition or make you full.

Choosing barbecue, baking and steamed food instead of fried food can save 100 calories a day without changing the food you actually eat. This is a very simple way to reduce calories without changing food intake. If you still want to fry food, you can also choose some low-calorie cooking sprays, which can also save valuable calories.

# 2 Drink more water

For many people, this seems simple and clear, maybe you can even call it common sense. The problem is that common sense is usually not common sense. Most people know that they should drink more water, but not everyone knows that.

Some reasons why drinking water is so important are as follows:

1.? The human body is 60% water. We need water to maintain normal and healthy biological processes. Maintaining moisture is the cornerstone of good health. Before you think about losing weight and fitness, you need to focus on optimizing your health first. The best health condition helps to achieve better fat-reducing effect.

2.? Drinking more water can help suppress appetite and make us feel more satisfied. Between meals, drinking water helps to avoid hunger before the next meal. Drinking water with meals can make you feel more satisfied. Therefore, it can help reduce the total calories you consume in a day.

3.? Inevitably, drinking more water will lead to more people going to the bathroom. This is a good thing, because it means that you will walk all day, which will consume more calories. It doesn't sound like much, but all these people start to go to the toilet more often. This is especially useful for those who work in the office, because it gives you a reason to stand up and stretch your legs!

In order to develop the habit of drinking more water, we suggest that you invest in high-quality reusable BPA-free kettles or bottled water, and try to drink ordinary bottled water (which can also help save some oceans).