Comparison of Chinese and western diets in all aspects;
Ingredients: western food only uses fine parts and varieties; Chinese food is any edible material.
Edible oil: western olive oil, salad oil; Chinese food, any animal or vegetable oil.
Seasoning: imported plant seasoning for western food; MSG is widely used in Chinese food.
Kitchen: western food is like a factory; Chinese food is smoky and sweaty.
Heating: western food is roasted, grilled and boiled; Chinese food is mainly fried.
Environment: Western food is romantic and tasteful; Chinese food is simple and noisy.
Tableware: western knives, forks, plates and spoons do not cross each other; Chinese fast food dishes are easy to cross-infect.
The cost of food: western food is higher; Chinese food is low.
Cost: western food can be predicted and controlled, and it is easy to pay separately; Chinese food is unpredictable, and AA system can only be average.
Survey results: Western food does not exceed the standard; The energy of Chinese food exceeds the recommended amount 1 12.6%. The fat in protein is 2-3 times higher than the recommended amount, and the carbohydrate is 50% lower than the recommended amount.
Consequences: Overweight and obesity-related diseases are on the rise in China.
However, health is determined by ingredients, cooking methods and eating/matching ratio, and it cannot be simply distinguished by Chinese food and western food.
Western food includes unhealthy fried/grilled/grilled meat and oily and salty side dishes, as well as healthy salads and whole grain staple foods. Chinese food includes unhealthy fried/braised/pickled meat dishes and healthy steamed/boiled seafood and vegetables.
Nutritional composition of food in China: The traditional diet of China residents takes cereals as the main energy source. This dietary structure is called high-cereal diet in nutrition, which contains a certain amount of vegetables and fruits. Due to the traditional cooking techniques and taste requirements of China residents, a large number of healthy substances beneficial to human health are eliminated in the process of cleaning, cutting and cooking many vegetables. Due to the low protein content and imperfect amino acid composition of cereals, the intake of calcium in this kind of diet is insufficient, the utilization rate of trace elements such as iron and zinc is low, and the vitamin content is obviously insufficient.
Nutritional composition of western food: Overconsumption diet is popular in developed countries, with meat as the main energy source, mainly meat, animal offal, dairy products and so on. And emphasize the intake of trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It is characterized by being too energy-intensive, rich in oil and sugar, and lacking complex carbohydrates. Excessive dietary nutrients and insufficient supply will lead to nutritional deficiency and multiple nutritional deficiencies. However, due to excessive intake of oil and sugar, it increases the burden on the digestive organs and causes stomach problems. At the same time, it is also the root of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which is also not conducive to health.