How to judge human health by pulse?

According to the frequency of pulse beating, we can know the health of the heart.

The pulse rate of healthy people in a quiet state is 64-76 times per minute, while the pulse rate of women is faster than that of men, averaging 5-8 times per minute.

Pulse will increase due to excitement, drinking, physical labor or exercise. In sports competitions, the athlete's pulse can reach 200 or more times per minute, which is completely normal.

How the heart bears the burden of the body can be judged by some functional tests. For example, within 30 seconds, after squatting for 20 times, the pulse of a healthy person who lacks exercise can reach 1 10 ~ 130 times; In healthy people who exercise regularly, the pulse rate is below 90 ~ 1 10.

It is also important to observe how long the pulse will return to normal. Healthy people who lack exercise need 23 minutes to get their pulse back to normal. Healthy people who exercise regularly need 1 ~ 1.5 minutes to get their pulse back to normal. The shorter the time to return to normal, the stronger the endurance of the heart.

Respiratory frequency can also be used as one of the signs to test people's health. The method of measuring breathing frequency is relatively simple: put your hand under your chest and count the times of exhaling and inhaling every minute. Breathe 16 ~ 20 times per minute in peace. During manual labor, breathing is obviously accelerated, reaching about 40 times per minute. However, in this case, people who exercise regularly breathe quite deeply and smoothly.

If you find yourself breathing longer and deeper through regular exercise, it is a good phenomenon. Short and shallow breathing during physical activity means the beginning of overwork and the need for rest.

The average vital capacity of healthy adult males is 3500 ~ 4500 cubic centimeters; The average vital capacity of healthy adult women is 2000 ~ 3000 cubic centimeters.