What is the telephone number of Jiangsu Ke Ben Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.?

Jiangsu Ke Ben Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Contact information: company telephone number: 0513-80190818, company email address: Gong Yan @ cobenpharm.com u. The company has five contact information in Aiqi Tea, including two telephone numbers.

Company introduction:

Jiangsu Ke Ben Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in Qidong City, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province on June 30, 2005. The registered address is located at Shanghai Road 168, Qidong Life and Health Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province.

Zang Hua, the legal representative of Jiangsu Ke Ben Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of 66,692,342 yuan, is now in business.

See more business information and data of Jiangsu Ke Ben Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. through the survey of caring enterprises.