Prevention and control of parasites

? Parasites do great harm to human body. Parasites mainly rely on the nutrition of the host itself to maintain their lives. Causing the nutrition of the host to be consumed. Let me show you the prevention and treatment of parasites, hoping to help you!

Prevention and treatment of parasites Prevention and treatment of food-borne parasitic diseases, such as paragonimiasis, clonorchiasis, taeniasis, cysticercosis, trichinosis, echinococcosis, etc., should focus on health education to prevent diseases from entering the mouth.

The effective drugs for treating patients are mainly praziquantel and albendazole. At present, albendazole is the first choice for treating trichinosis and cysticercosis.

After oral administration, albendazole is rapidly metabolized into albendazole sulfoxide and albendazole sulfone in the liver. Sulfoxide is the main insecticidal component in plasma.

Its mechanism of action is to selectively and irreversibly hinder and inhibit the uptake of glucose by intestinal nematodes, tapeworms and larvae in tissues, causing endogenous depletion of glycogen necessary for the survival and reproduction of worms, reducing ATP production and leading to the death of worms.

Albendazole is not only effective against intestinal nematodes, echinococcosis, Clonorchis sinensis and Paragonimus, but also can kill eggs and larvae of nematodes, Taenia solium, Echinococcus and Paragonimus.

What are the natural factors of parasite transmission route? Warm and humid environment is beneficial to the development of eggs and larvae in soil. The warm and humid climate is not only conducive to the growth and reproduction of mosquitoes, but also suitable for mosquito blood-sucking activities, which increases the chances of spreading malaria and filariasis. Geographical environment can indirectly affect the prevalence of parasitic diseases, such as intestinal parasites living in the ground soil during the infection period, and human infection is related to contact with soil. Some parasites reach human body through fresh water, such as Taenia solium eggs and Schistosoma japonicum cercariae. Once people come into contact with soil with eggs or infected water, they may be infected with some parasites. For example, workers engaged in agriculture are susceptible to parasites.

Dietary factors: caused by eating contaminated food? Worms enter through the mouth? Modern people like to try different forms of diet, which increases the possibility of infection with parasitic diseases. Such as eating unclean fresh fruits and vegetables, eating raw vegetables, and eating uncooked seafood, fresh rivers and meat food for freshness.

Knowing the transmission route of parasites can greatly reduce the probability of parasites on yourself, and at the same time, we should do a good job in daily hygiene. We can use laser therapy to help us kill parasites in our bodies.

Harm of parasites to human body What hookworms live outside the human body and then enter the human body through polluted water, fruits or vegetables? Hookworms mainly grow in human intestines. They adsorb on the intestinal wall and suck the blood of the host, sometimes leading to anemia. Human symptoms: weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, anemia.

Sarcoptes scabies is a parasite that spreads through physical contact. Female sarcoptes scabies will lay eggs on human skin, causing itching and inflammation of the skin. When female scabies mites implant their eggs into human skin, the condition will get worse, and the skin will have strong itching and scabies. Human symptoms: itching, pain, pustules, skin irritation.

Schistosoma oblata lives in water and can pierce the skin of victims who come into contact with polluted water. Schistosoma oblata can cause inflammation and organ damage, especially the liver. Adult Schistosoma oblata can enter the human body for boarding for ten years, and will board for many years without causing any symptoms. They will leave the human body through feces and spend the rest of their lives in snail boarding houses. Human symptoms: fever, pain, cough, diarrhea, swollen glands and drowsiness.