China has been a country of etiquette since ancient times. In ancient times, there was a saying of "Five Rites". Sacrifice ceremony was a ceremony, wedding ceremony was a ceremony, guest ceremony was a guest ceremony, military ceremony was a military ceremony, and funeral ceremony was a terrible ceremony. There are also sacrificial ceremonies, meeting ceremonies, birth ceremonies, adult ceremonies and so on. There are even books devoted to etiquette, such as Yili and the Book of Rites. Civilized etiquette is still very important in today's society, although it is not so valued. Civilized etiquette is not only the embodiment of personal quality and education, but also the embodiment of personal morality and social morality. Civilized manners not only make you more cultured and quality, but also make you respected and appreciated by others, thus winning opportunities ... all civilized manners are easy to achieve. As long as you are more careful and more concerned, civility and courtesy will accompany us!
Full text:
China has been a country of etiquette since ancient times. In ancient times, there was a saying of "Five Rites". Sacrifice ceremony was a ceremony, wedding ceremony was a ceremony, guest ceremony was a guest ceremony, military ceremony was a military ceremony, and funeral ceremony was a terrible ceremony. There are also sacrificial ceremonies, meeting ceremonies, birth ceremonies, adult ceremonies and so on. There are even books devoted to etiquette, such as Yili and the Book of Rites. Civilized etiquette is still very important in today's society, although it is not so valued. Civilized etiquette is not only the embodiment of personal quality and education, but also the embodiment of personal morality and social morality. Civilized manners not only make you more cultured and have more quality, but also enable you to gain respect and appreciation from others, thus winning opportunities ... So how do primary schools now embody our civilized manners and help us?