Exercise diet, three meals a day.

Five diet recipes for Friday breakfast: sweet potato porridge and Pear.

Lunch: tomato and beef risotto, Chinese cabbage and mushroom soup.

Dinner: vegetable vermicelli, mushroom and cucumber slimming soup.

Weight loss exercise recommendation: jog for 30 minutes, practice resistance equipment for 30 minutes, 10 minutes to relax muscles.

6 weight loss recipes Saturday breakfast: a small bowl of rice porridge, a piece of whole wheat bread and an orange.

Lunch: a boiled egg, roasted sea fish, stir-fried mushrooms and a small bowl of rice.

Dinner: turkey breast or a chicken breast, lettuce or tomato salad, coffee or tea.

Weight loss exercise recommendation: 45-50 minutes for yoga class and 30 minutes for jogging.

7 Sunday breakfast diet: cereal (a small bowl), bread (a slice) and grapes.

Lunch: roast beef, vegetable salad, winter melon soup and a raw tomato.

Dinner: corn porridge (a small bowl), steamed bread, roasted asparagus and a raw cucumber.

Weight loss exercise recommendation: 30 bicycles, 40 minutes of jogging, 10 minutes to relax muscles.