Examination questions of health literacy knowledge contest (2)

7. Celebrate World No Tobacco Day every year: (c)

A.september 3 1 b.july 31c.may 31

8. What diseases can smoking cause? (ABC)

A. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease B. Cataract C. Erectile dysfunction D. Influenza

10. What harm does secondhand smoke do to others? (ABCD)

A. Injury to the upper respiratory tract of healthy people

B. Asthma patients have frequent attacks and their condition is more serious.

C. insufficient coronary blood supply will increase the risk of heart attack.

D. it will harm pregnant women and fetuses.

The sooner you quit smoking, the better. It's never too late to quit smoking.

Right or wrong

1. The sooner smokers quit smoking, the better. It's never too late to quit smoking. (right)

If you have the determination to quit smoking and master certain skills, you can quit smoking completely. (right)

The sooner you quit smoking, the better. You don't have to quit smoking after 60. (error)

Multiple choice

If you quit smoking before the age of 4.35, how much will the chance of smoking causing heart disease be reduced? (4)

50% B.70% C.80% D.90%

Quit smoking before the age of 5.59, what is the probability of death within 15 years? (1)

A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 D. 1/5

essay question

6. Why is it never too late to quit smoking?

Answer: ① Quitting smoking before the age of 35 reduces the chance of heart disease caused by smoking by 90%;

② Quitting smoking before the age of 59, and the death probability within 15 is only half of that of continuous smokers;

(3) Quitting smoking over the age of 60 will still greatly reduce the mortality rate of lung cancer.

Seven, alcoholism can cause alcoholism, induce gastritis, hepatitis, sclerosis, hypertension, heart disease, etc.

Right or wrong

1. Moderate drinking is good for health, and everyone can drink it. (error)

2. Get angry on an empty stomach and don't drink. (right)

Red wine is good for health. There is no need to limit drinking red wine. (error)

Pregnant women and children should not drink alcohol. (right)

Multiple choice

5. The organ most seriously damaged by alcohol is (B).

A. Heart and spleen B. Liver and stomach C. Kidney and bladder

6. Harm of Excessive Drinking (ABCD)

A. Severe alcoholism can lead to death.

B. Long-term excessive drinking damages the stomach, liver and other organs.

C. drinking often leads to relapse.

D. drunk driving is very dangerous

essay question

7. What diseases can be induced by drinking?

A: Gastritis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, hypertension, etc.

Eight, health food can not replace medicine.

Right or wrong

1. Health food is a kind of medicine with special functions. (error)

2. Health food is suitable for ordinary people and beneficial to human body. (error)

Healthy food is edible for everyone. (error)

4. Health food can't replace medicine, only food. (error)

5. Some health foods can cure diseases. (error)

Nine, fruit can't replace vegetables.

Right or wrong

1. Fruits contain more nutrients than vegetables. (error)

2. Fruit can't replace vegetables. (right)

There are vegetables at every meal and fruits every day. (right)

4. The content of vitamins in vegetables is higher than that in fruits. (right)

5. There are more carbohydrates, organic acids and aromatic substances in fruits than vegetables. (right)

Multiple choice

7. What kind of fruit is rich in vitamin C? (1)

A. kiwi fruit, apple, pear and grape

8. Which vegetable is rich in iron? (1)

A. spinach B. celery C. cabbage D. tomato

Ten, not eating breakfast can easily lead to listlessness, fainting and so on.

Right or wrong

1. Breakfast is very important for dietary nutrition intake, health status and work or study efficiency. (right)

Young people are in good health, so skipping breakfast has no effect. (error)

3. skipping breakfast can easily lead to hypoglycemia. (right)

4. Eat well for breakfast, eat enough for Chinese food, and eat skillfully for dinner. Is that so? (right)

Multiple choice

5. What are the two foods that must be included in breakfast? (1)

A. Carbohydrates and protein

B. vitamins and vegetables

C. Fat and protein