Analysis of hot spots in medical informatics research

Recent studies show that the research hotspots of medical informatics can be divided into two categories: the application of information technology and the analysis methods of health information.

Information technology course

Construction and application of health information system, including: hospital information system, which can be used for clinical management, diagnosis and treatment services, automatic entry of doctor's orders, etc. Systems for storing and processing patient information, such as electronic medical records and electronic health records; Decision support system, such as expert diagnosis system, is used as an auxiliary diagnosis means.

The benefit evaluation of health information system provides methodological support for evaluating the benefit of health information system, and finally shows that the large-scale application of health information system has good results.

Health information analysis method

The application of corresponding computer algorithms in biomedicine, such as clinical decision support system based on artificial neural network algorithm.

Evaluation analysis and its application are used to evaluate whether the new treatment is due to the traditional treatment. The most commonly used method is cost-benefit analysis.

Relationship class analysis and its application