Unhealthy movies

Title:? Thank you? What about you? For what? Smoking? Thank you for smoking? Director: jason reitman? Jason. Lightman. Starring: aaron eckhart? Allen. Eckhart? Robert duvall? Robert? Duval Katie holmes? Katie. Holmes? Sam elliott? Sam. Eliot? Type: comedy/plot? Length: 92 minutes? Grade: R grade (involving swearing and some content)? Fox? Fox? Searchlight? Date of Issue: March 2006 17 (USA)

IMDB score:

8.0/ 10? (3,432? Voting)

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Nick Naylor (played by Allen Eckhardt) is the chief spokesman of the Tobacco Research Association, but in fact, he is responsible for the real sponsors of the Tobacco Research Association-tobacco tycoons to help them make more profits. Nick's only purpose and work focus is to keep talking about persuading others to smoke, and to persuade all kinds of public welfare, health and government organizations and individuals who oppose smoking and try to block the profits of the tobacco industry ... His views and positions are: "We should put all kinds of advantages and disadvantages in front of people, but whether it is harmful in the end should be a personal choice and others should not interfere ..."? Nick in life has two close friends, Polly, who speaks for the alcoholic beverage industry, and Bobby, who speaks for the gun industry. Although the products they endorse are different, they are all "life-threatening" things, so they call themselves the M...d trio (arms manufacturers). They get together every weekend, eat junk food in restaurants, exchange anecdotes at work, and make suggestions for each other. ? In order to counter the plan of a group of fanatical healthy living advocates and a senator opportunist to unite and print a skeleton on a cigarette box. ...