1. Skin problems: Eczema is a chronic skin inflammation, which can cause redness, itching, dryness and blistering of children's skin. These symptoms may bring discomfort and pain to children and affect their quality of life.
2. Sleep problems: Eczema is often accompanied by severe itching, which may make it difficult for children to fall asleep at night or wake up frequently. Long-term lack of sleep may affect their attention, study and emotional stability.
3. Increased risk of infection: Children are more susceptible to infection by bacteria, fungi and other pathogens due to skin damage caused by eczema and humid environment. These infections may lead to skin infections, fever and other complications.
4. Mental health problems: The symptoms and discomfort of eczema may have a negative impact on children's mental health. Long-term itching and skin problems may lead to psychological problems such as anxiety, depression and inferiority.
5. Social barriers: Due to skin problems and discomfort caused by eczema, children may avoid contact with others, especially in public places. This may cause them to encounter social difficulties and affect their interpersonal relationship and self-esteem.
Therefore, timely treatment and management are very important for children with eczema. It is suggested that you consult a professional doctor, get a personalized treatment plan, make regular follow-up visits, monitor your illness and adjust your treatment plan.