What kind of wallpaper is the best?

The types of wallpaper can be divided into handmade wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper, diatomite wallpaper PVC, plastic wallpaper, wood fiber wallpaper, glass fiber wallpaper, natural material wallpaper, cloth-based PVC wallpaper, pure paper wallpaper, paper wallpaper, luminous wallpaper, metal wallpaper, gold and silver foil wallpaper, fabric wallpaper and so on. I think the best is non-woven wallpaper. Let me introduce the advantages of non-woven wallpaper to you. First, non-woven wallpaper materials with good environmental protection (fiber silk, silk, etc.). ) contains no chemical components and is more environmentally friendly than PVC wallpaper. 2. Good air permeability: 1. No foaming, edge warping and delamination during use; 2. The moisture surface of the wall is invisible, the PVC wallpaper is airtight, and the moisture cannot be dispersed between the wall and the wallpaper for a long time, which is easy to be moldy; Breathable wallpaper can be breathable and naturally dry, and will not be moldy; 3. When the wallpaper was constructed a few days after the varnish seal, some harmful gases had not yet volatilized. PVC wallpaper is airtight and volatile for a long time; Breathable wallpaper volatilizes quickly. 4. The breathability of wallpaper is beneficial to human health, without feeling suffocated and depressed, and breathing will be smoother. Third, the paste is firm and the service life is long. Stick the wallpaper with the same glue. The bottom of non-woven wallpaper is non-woven, which is very strong, and it is difficult for non-professionals to tear it off, so the service life will be longer.