Translation requirements:
1. After selecting foreign language documents, show them to the instructor first, and then translate them after the teacher confirms them.
2. When choosing foreign language translation, you must choose articles written by foreign authors, which can be downloaded from China HowNet or foreign language database.
3. The number of words required for foreign language translation should be more than 3,000 words. Translation should start from the beginning of a foreign language article, not from the middle part of the article, but must end in a long paragraph.
Reference is the whole reference or quotation of a book or a paper in the process of academic research. The cited documents have been noted in the notes and no longer appear in the following references. Foreign language reference refers to the literature whose original text is foreign language rather than Chinese.
The original text refers to the original work, the original text, that is, the language used in the work written by the author. For example, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was originally written in English.
Translation is the translated text. For example, a Chinese version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet can be found in China, which is called a translation.
Main criteria
In the process of interlingual communication, translation is a bridge to communicate different languages. Generally speaking, there are two main criteria for translation: faithfulness and fluency.
It means to be faithful to the original information, that is, to express the original information completely and accurately, so that the information obtained by the target readers is roughly the same as that obtained by the original readers.
It means that the translation is standardized, clear and easy to understand, and there is no phenomenon of unreasonable arts and sciences, chaotic structure and unclear logic.