Too salty food will not only cause diseases such as hypertension and arteriosclerosis, but also damage arterial blood vessels, affect the blood supply of brain tissue, cause ischemia and hypoxia of brain cells, and lead to memory loss and mental retardation. The demand for salt in human body is below 7 grams per day for adults and below 4 grams per day for children. In daily life, parents should give their children less salty food, such as pickles, mustard tuber, bacon and bean paste.
2. Foods containing more monosodium glutamate.
Medical research shows that if pregnant women often eat monosodium glutamate in the third trimester, it will cause zinc deficiency in the fetus, and too much monosodium glutamate in children under one year old may cause brain cell necrosis. According to the World Health Organization, adults should consume no more than 4 grams of monosodium glutamate every day, and pregnant women and children under one year old should abstain from monosodium glutamate. Even if the child is older, try to give the child less food containing more monosodium glutamate.
3. Foods containing lipid peroxide.
Lipid peroxide can lead to premature aging or dementia of the brain, which directly damages the development of the brain. Bacon, smoked fish and other foods that have been fried at an oil temperature above 200 degrees or exposed for a long time contain more lipid peroxide, so parents should give them less.
4. Food containing lead.
Medical research shows that lead can kill brain cells and damage the brain. Popcorn, preserved eggs and beer have high lead content, so parents should give less to their children.
5, aluminum-containing food.
Often giving children food with high aluminum content will lead to memory loss, slow response and even dementia. Therefore, it is best for parents not to let their children often eat foods with high aluminum content such as fried dough sticks and oil cakes.