1. Pay attention to keep warm: because the newborn's body surface dissipates heat quickly, there are many saturated fatty acids under the skin and the melting point is high, especially when the heat is not high.
Feet are easy to solidify when they are cold.
2. Strengthen nutrition and insist on breastfeeding. Can treat babies under 2 years old: because breast milk contains 4-6 after birth.
Nutrients needed for baby's growth are most suitable for baby's gastrointestinal function.
Digestion and absorption of energy; Breast milk has immune function and can protect infants from diseases such as diarrhea, respiratory tract and skin infection.
Allergy, etc. The muscle movement when the baby sucks helps the normal development of the baby's face and can prevent it from being caused by bottle feeding.
Dental caries; Frequent contact between the baby and the mother's skin is beneficial to the development of psychological and social adaptability. Studies have proved that mothers
Ethylsulfonic acid in milk is of great significance to the function of cranial nerve system, intellectual development, vision protection and bile metabolism. negative
Reduce the risk of necrotizing colitis in children and reduce the occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome.
For mothers, increasing the affection between mother and child is beneficial to the recovery of postpartum uterus, inhibiting ovulation, prolonging birth interval and reducing birth times.
The risk of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Breastfeeding foods include crucian carp, trotters soup, loofah and so on. Pangolin, Semen Vaccariae, Radix Astragali and Stigma Maydis are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine.
Cao Tong et al.
Wear soft and comfortable clothes and pay attention to check whether the skin folds under the neck, groin, armpit and nose are red and erosive.
Change diapers frequently, and move lightly when changing to prevent scratching the skin.
After feeding, stand up your upper body and pat your back, so that the air in your stomach can be exhausted and the internal organs in your abdominal cavity can be reduced to prevent abdominal distension and milk overflow.
In case of galactorrhea and vomiting, clear up the vomit and milk in time to prevent aspiration. Sucking time should not be too long.
The bell is appropriate to avoid causing children fatigue.
Prevent colds, avoid contact with upper respiratory tract infections, go to public places less, get more sunshine, and prevent rickets.
Vaccinate on time