One of the main benefits of dehydrated apples is their dietary fiber content. Half a cup of dried fruit contains 3.7 grams of dietary fiber. According to the expansion of Colorado State University, if you follow a 2000-calorie diet, this snack will account for 13% of your daily fiber intake, while if you follow a 1 500-calorie diet, it will account for 18% of your daily fiber demand.
High vitamin content
Dehydrated apples also provide healthy vitamins. These apples contain very small amounts of other vitamins C and A, which can keep your skin and bones healthy. They contain several B vitamins, which can support your metabolism and nourish your liver and skin.
High mineral content
Dehydrated apples are also good for health because they contain minerals. According to Linus Pauling Institute, the recommended intake per half cup is 4% of the daily intake of potassium, which is an essential mineral for nerve and brain function. According to the institute's data, dehydrated apples also contain a small amount of iron-the recommended intake is 8% for men and 3% for women.
Diabetes and blood sugar
Fructose and antioxidant polyphenols in apples can enhance metabolic balance and slow down the absorption of sugar in the body. This is especially beneficial for diabetics who must control their blood sugar levels. Recent research shows that apples reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes because of anthocyanins, which are antioxidants that can cause fruits to appear red, blue and purple.
lose weight
Apples contain a fiber called pectin, which can reduce the body's absorption of excess dietary fat. Apples are rich in fiber and can make you full for a long time. Because fiber takes longer to digest, it will make you feel satisfied and prevent you from eating other unhealthy foods. In the long run, this will help to lose weight.
Smooth digestion
The fiber content in this delicious fruit helps to digest it more smoothly. Pectin is a kind of soluble fiber, which can absorb water from digestive tract and form gel. This helps slow digestion and push feces through the intestine. Apples also contain malic acid, which helps digestion.
Protect bones
Apples are very effective in strengthening bones and are also important for the overall health of bones. It helps to resist the bone loss related to menopause, because it can resist inflammation and the production of free radicals, which leads to bone degradation.
Lower cholesterol
Fiber and antioxidants in apples can reduce the content of unhealthy cholesterol and slow its oxidation. It reduces the risk of arteriosclerosis and the damage to myocardium and blood vessels.