Normal range of ear thermometer

What is the normal temperature range of ear thermometer? How many degrees can an ear thermometer differ from mercury? Normal temperature range of ear gun

Usually, the ear temperature measured by ear thermometer is between 35.8 and 38 degrees, so its temperature is close to the temperature measured by mouth or just the temperature, so it is usually considered as a non-fever body temperature below 38 degrees. Ear-warming gun is a very common way to measure body temperature in our current life. Because of its simple measurement and accounting, it is welcomed by everyone. Especially for some children or public places, listening to guns has a very good advantage. Then it can gradually replace the measurement of our armpit mercury thermometer. However, due to incorrect operation mode, broken or unclean eardrum, tympanic membrane swelling caused by external auditory canal infection, and compression of one ear, the error is often large, which is actually not as accurate as mercury thermometer.

How many degrees is the difference between thermometer and mercury?

Ear gun mainly uses the infrared radiation principle of tympanic membrane to measure body temperature, while mercury thermometer is mainly used to measure the temperature of armpit, mouth and anus. The measured body temperature varies slightly in different parts, but usually the difference will not exceed 65438 0℃. The normal body temperature measured by ear gun is 35.8℃-38℃. If it exceeds the normal body temperature by 0.5℃, it is regarded as fever. The standard temperature of mercury thermometer is 36.0-37.0℃ under the armpit, 36.3-37.2℃ in the mouth and 36.5-37.7℃ in the anus. Ear-warming gun is quick in temperature measurement, easy to carry and not easy to break. However, it should be noted that it is best to use a new outer mold sleeve every time. Before measurement, you must avoid sun exposure or exercise. When measuring, it is best to measure two ears or one ear separately for three times to get the highest value. The tip of the gun should be as deep as possible, but it should not cause discomfort. In fact, when using ear thermometer to measure body temperature, incorrect posture, earwax and damp ear canal will all affect the measurement results.

The ear thermometer measures the different temperatures of the two ears.

The ear temperature of the ear thermometer is different, and there may be errors. After the cold wind blows, it will also cause the ear temperature to drop. Patients can take more measurements to effectively measure normal body temperature. When measuring with an ear thermometer, there may be differences due to environmental factors. Ear thermometer is a non-contact telemetering temperature measuring instrument, which belongs to infrared thermometer. If there are no symptoms, don't worry too much. Generally speaking, the temperature of the human body is constant, the temperature of different parts of the same part is not much different, and the ear temperature is close to the core temperature of the body. Ear temperature comes from hypothalamus, which is the center of body temperature control, and the blood flow released from the left and right sides is the same. In fact, you only need to choose any ear to measure the armpit. However, if the eardrum is severely swollen and one ear is compressed due to improper operation, broken or unclean external auditory canal, the temperatures of the two ears may be different when measuring. At this time, it is recommended to measure the liquid temperature, but it is not recommended to take the ear temperature as the standard.

Which is more accurate, ear gun or forehead gun?

Compared with the forehead warm gun, the ear warm gun will be more real and accurate. The principle and structure of ear-warming gun and forehead-warming gun are similar. Both of them measure the infrared energy radiated by the body through the built-in sensor, and then their body surface temperature can be accurately measured. Because the forehead is exposed to the external environment, it is easily affected by the ambient temperature, which leads to inaccurate results. In addition, the eardrum is located in the deepest part of the external auditory canal, which can accurately reflect the body temperature. When using this kind of instrument to measure temperature, it is recommended to measure it several times and record the highest result. Need to remind everyone that the temperature of tympanic membrane is higher than that of mouth, armpit and forehead, and its normal value is 35.8 to 38 degrees Celsius.