Heat preservation methods vary from person to person, such as high-power bulb lighting, hot water bottles, hot water bottles and so on. I use a shoe dryer, which is not too hot and the temperature is relatively stable.
2. Diet. Chickens are mainly cooked food, and a small amount is added many times. The core point is small particles. Such as millet, refined corn, chopped leftovers and so on.
In order to ensure the health of chickens, young chickens use 200 carats as their own drinking water source.
Chickens can eat a lot when they are big. Mainly based on natural ingredients, basically all the chickens that people can eat can be eaten, and some chickens that people don't eat can also be eaten, such as all kinds of fruits and vegetables, minced meat and insects. The main concern is that the particles should not be too large.
3. Hygiene. When the chicken arrives home for the first time, it should be disinfected. I used alcohol, which was used to disinfect my hands during the epidemic. I'll spray it several times a week later.
3. 1 feces. Chicken manure needs to be cleaned up in time. Cleaning up feces can be prepared: shovels and larger brushes. Chickens can be padded with paper, cartons, etc. You can change it if it is dirty. Older people can use the feces tray that comes with the henhouse, clean the feces to the toilet with a shovel, and then clean the tray. I put the floor mat in a carton, brush it with a brush after shoveling excrement every day, and use it after drying.
3.2 Tableware. I didn't buy tableware. I use mineral water bottles, one for water and the other for food. The side opening (similar to the shape when growing vegetables with mineral water bottles and beverage bottles) is tied to the carton with wool. Remove it every day, clean it and reinstall it.
3.3 drugs. Chickens may have diarrhea. Oxytetracycline is generally recommended. I use cephalosporin because there is only cephalosporin at home and I don't want to go out to buy it. Chicken was mixed with rice the day after it was bought. This chicken is very healthy.
4. Chicken house. Keep it at home, not alone. Free-range farms may cause chicken manure to be scattered all over the house. At present, I use two cartons, one large and one small, without buying cages or anything like that. (Afraid of buying it, the chicken died before it grew up. The big box is used during the day, and the hole is made of a fruit knife as the window of the chicken house. Put the tableware in the box. Use a small box at night or when you go out, which is good for heat preservation. There is no tableware in the small box.
5. 1 chicken walking time. If conditions permit, skate once or twice a day. Take the chicken in late spring, early summer and early autumn is more suitable in the morning, and noon is optional in other seasons. I usually walk the chicken on weekends or holidays.
5.2 chicken walking position. The places for walking chickens are mainly clean grasslands and woodlands (avoid plastic, paper scraps and iron scraps that are not suitable for chickens). Avoid walking chickens on crowded roads.
5.3 Safety issues when walking chickens. Pay attention to the cats and dogs when walking the chicken. There may be an animal war between chickens, cats and dogs. Chickens have a higher probability of death. When walking the chicken, try to refuse the child to hold the chicken, and the stranger holds the chicken, and the chicken is easy to be afraid. It is also easy to have conflicts because children compete for holding chickens. It is more likely that children catch chickens together and the chickens are trampled to death.
5.4 The crow of chickens. Chickens cry sharply and loudly, appearing when they are hungry, thirsty, lonely and dangerous. Usually, chickens are peaceful. Excluding the above situation, if the chicken is noisy, you can cover the henhouse with a piece of cloth, so that the henhouse is dark and there is no noise around, and the chicken can fall asleep quickly.
I'm not a professional chicken farmer. However, it is considered that chickens have a high probability of growing up as long as their nutrition is balanced, their living environment is clean and hygienic, and they are careful not to eat strange things (such as plastic), and the temperature is appropriate.