Understand women's health indicators
Women's health indicators include body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, body fat rate and muscle mass. Let's look at these indicators.
1. Body mass index (BMI)
Body mass index is a numerical value calculated according to height and weight, which is used to evaluate whether a person's weight is normal or not. The calculation formula of body mass index is: weight (kg)÷ height (m)2. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, a body mass index below 18.5 is thin, 18.5-24.9 is normal, 25-29.9 is overweight, and 30 or above is obese.
Waist circumference is another indicator to evaluate health. Excessive waist circumference is related to the increased risk of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases. According to the waist circumference standard of adults in China, the waist circumference of women exceeding 80cm is too large.
3. Body fat rate
Body fat rate refers to the proportion of body fat tissue in the total weight. Excessive body fat rate is related to the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and other diseases. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, women with body fat below 20% are thin, 20%-30% are normal, and more than 30% are overweight.
4. Muscle mass
Muscle mass refers to the proportion of body muscle tissue to the total weight. Low muscle mass is associated with an increased risk of diseases such as osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome. The evaluation of muscle mass needs professional instruments to measure.
How much is a girl chubby?
According to the above indicators, there is no specific value for the chubby weight of girls, because everyone's body composition and health status are different. However, according to the body mass index, it is normal for women to weigh between 18.5-24.9, and over 24.9 is overweight. So the chubby weight of girls should be within the upper limit of normal weight, about 50-60kg.
Of course, this is only a rough estimate, and it needs to be evaluated according to the individual's physical composition and health status. If you want to know your health status, you can go to the hospital for a physical examination, or buy some home health testing instruments for testing.
How to stay healthy?
In order to stay healthy, you need to pay attention to the following points:
1. Balanced diet
The diet should be balanced, and the calorie intake should match the calorie intake. Eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less high-calorie foods and avoid overeating.
Proper exercise
Proper exercise can help us consume excess calories, increase muscle mass and improve the body's metabolic rate. Do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, running and swimming.
adequate sleep
Adequate sleep can help us recover our physical strength, regulate our endocrine and keep healthy. You should get 7-8 hours of sleep every day.
A positive attitude can help us relieve stress and reduce anxiety and depression. Keeping a good attitude contributes to good health.