Weight standard measurement formula, 1-6 months baby's weight (kg)= birth weight (3kg)+ month age x0.6, 7- 12 months baby's weight (kg)= birth weight (3kg)+ month age x0.5, 2- 10 years old weight (.
The growth rule of height standard is that the average birth length of full-term infants is 50cm, which increases by about 25cm in the first year after birth, so it is about 75cm at one year old and increases by about 5cm every year thereafter. After 2- 12 years old, the child's length (cm)= age ×7+75(cm). According to the above criteria, if the height exceeds the standard 10% or,
Although children's growth and development have certain laws, there are considerable individual differences in a certain range due to the influence of heredity and environment.
Factors that determine a child's height and weight:
Genetic factors have a great influence on children's height and weight. The height development and characteristics of the next generation are related to mom and dad. The height of mom and dad will determine the height of the next generation to a greater extent. The height of a child can be inferred by a general formula.
For children's height and weight, it is also related to gender. The growth and development characteristics of boys and girls are different. Girls generally mature earlier, and in adolescence, girls' height development will be faster than boys'. Generally speaking, girls develop two years earlier than boys.
The environment in which children grow up has a great influence on their health. We need to create a good living environment for our children and develop good living habits for our babies.