There are no symptoms in the early stage of liver cancer, and patients will not take the initiative to go to the hospital, which brings difficulties to early diagnosis. Liver cancer mostly occurs on the basis of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, and it is difficult to diagnose liver cancer through these symptoms. Even if you touch a lump or have jaundice and ascites, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish it from colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.
Primary liver cancer is a common malignant tumor in China. About 260,000 patients worldwide die of liver cancer every year, of which China accounts for 42.5%. Experts say that in recent years, liver cancer has changed from "incurable disease" to "partially treatable disease", and the 5-year survival rate has also increased from 2.6% to 20.6%. However, the etiology of liver cancer is still unclear, and the medical community thinks that it is the result of a combination of many factors, mainly related to hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, aflatoxin, drinking water pollution, lack of some trace elements, genetic factors and alcoholism.
Therefore, avoiding infection with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, avoiding eating polluted water and food, and limiting long-term excessive drinking are the main conditions to prevent the formation of liver cancer.
In the past, surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were commonly used to treat tumors, but they had great toxic and side effects. Many patients can't tolerate radiotherapy and chemotherapy and stop treatment or are extremely weak after treatment, resulting in toxic and side effects such as low immune function. Leukopenia, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms. Most of them will occur during radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and symptoms of qi and blood weakness will appear after surgery and radiotherapy and chemotherapy. During and after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it is also easy to cause qi and blood yin deficiency (dry mouth, hemoptysis due to yin deficiency, blood heat bleeding).