Will Beijing Health Bao scan the code and alarm the internet?


"Health Bao" alarm generally includes three situations.

The first one-your "health treasure" status is not green "nothing unusual", and an alarm will appear when scanning the code. The second one-you didn't scan the registered QR code of "Health Treasure". The registration QR code of "Health Treasure" is square with the words "Health Treasure Registration" in the middle. If you scan another QR code, it is actually an invalid QR code, and an alarm will be issued. Thirdly, if the health status of the registrar who generated the registered QR code changes, it is no longer green, or he deletes the registered QR code, the registered QR code will be invalid and an alarm will be issued when scanning. It should also be specially reminded that, because the code scanning registration needs to verify personal information in the applet, you can only use the "My Information Scan Code Registration" in the "Health Treasure" page for scanning. You can't use the sweep function that comes with WeChat or Alipay. If a string of garbled codes comes out after scanning, it may be because you used the scanning function that comes with WeChat or Alipay.