Every pregnant mother's greatest hope is to give birth to a healthy baby. However, many pregnant mothers have caused the breech position of the fetus due to their own reasons or the fetus itself. If it is discovered in the early stage, it will be more difficult to correct it in the later stage, or even it will not come back. But there are still many pregnant mothers who still have children physically. So, is the breech fetus healthy?
Is breech fetus healthy?
The incidence of fetal malposition is different in different gestational weeks. In the fifth month of pregnancy, about 33% of the fetus belongs to malposition; At eight months, the incidence of fetal malposition decreased to 8.8%; By the ninth month of pregnancy, only about 5% of pregnant women were diagnosed with abnormal fetal position. This means that most fetuses with abnormal fetal position in the second trimester will turn to normal fetal position at full term. Usually 7 months before pregnancy, the fetal position is found to be incorrect, as long as the observation is strengthened. Because before the 30 th week of pregnancy, the fetus is still relatively small relative to the uterus, and there is more amniotic fluid in the mother's uterus. The fetus has room to move and will correct the fetal position by itself. After 30 weeks of pregnancy, most of them can naturally turn to the "head position". But generally speaking, if the fetal position is still abnormal at 30-34 weeks of pregnancy, it needs to be corrected. During pregnancy, fetal malposition will not bring adverse effects to mother and fetus, but it is one of the common factors that cause dystocia. But modern medicine has a way to deal with it. As far as the influence of fetal breech position is concerned, fetal breech position will cause the following problems: First, the internal space of the expectant mother's cervix is too large, which leads to excessive fetal freedom, thus causing fetal breech position problems. The reason for this situation may be that the expectant mother's abdominal wall is slack, amniotic fluid is excessive and the fetus is small. Second, the internal space of the expectant mother's cervix is too small, which leads to a narrow space for fetal activity, leading to fetal breech position problems. The reason for this situation may be that the expectant mother's abdominal wall is too tight, the amniotic fluid is too little, and the fetus is too big. Third, the expectant mother's pelvis is too small, and the fetal head and basin are asymmetrical, which makes it difficult to connect the fetal head and cause breech position. Fourth, the malformation of the fetus itself may also lead to difficulties in connecting the fetal head, such as hydrocephalus and anencephaly. Under normal circumstances, fetal breech position caused by fetal malformation can be found in time by B-ultrasound.
The process of breech presentation
In all parts of the carcass, the hip circumference is smaller than the head circumference; The head is not only big but also hard. When the head position is put forward for labor, there is enough time to shape the fetal head to adapt to the pelvic cavity and deliver it. Once the fetal head is delivered, the rest of the carcass will be delivered quickly. This is not the case with breech delivery. If the breech position is delivered first and the largest fetal head is delivered later, the delivery of fetal shoulders and heads must be rotated according to a certain delivery machine to adapt to the different conditions of the birth canal, so dystocia is easy to occur during delivery. If the umbilical cord is not delivered within 8 minutes after delivery, the umbilical cord will be compressed for too long and the fetus will die. Therefore, in breech delivery, if we can fully open the uterine orifice, transfer according to the breech delivery mechanism and deal with it properly in time, the perinatal mortality rate of breech delivery can be reduced. In single buttock and full buttock position, if the exposed part has descended to the vaginal opening and has been exposed, it means that the uterine opening has been completely opened and the vagina has been fully expanded. On the contrary, when the foot is exposed first, if the fetal foot is seen at the vaginal opening, the uterine opening may not be completely opened, sometimes only 4~5 cm. At this time, the midwife must put on a sterile gloves and block the vaginal opening with her hands at every formal contraction, so as not to make the fetal foot protrude from the vaginal opening. Until the fetal buttocks gradually descend into the pelvic cavity with uterine contraction, the uterine orifice and vagina have been fully expanded by the fetal buttocks. When the fetal feet and buttocks have fallen to the vaginal orifice and can no longer be blocked by hands, it means that the uterine orifice has been completely opened. At this time, all the fetuses can be delivered by the method of total breech delivery. Therefore, breech block is very important for breech delivery, and the parturient should cooperate with the doctor. In addition, after the foot touches the water, the umbilical cord may slide down from the gap beside the fetal foot at any time, so we should always pay attention to the change of fetal heart, find the umbilical cord compression or umbilical cord prolapse as soon as possible, and deal with it accordingly. Because all-position delivery brings more problems than single breech position and full breech position, it is not good for delivery.