How to balance yin and yang and embark on the road of health preservation?

The Yellow Emperor said: Yin and Yang are the way of heaven and earth, the discipline of all things, the mother of change, the source of life and death, and the home of the gods. Treatment must be based on this. Therefore, the product of yang is the sky, and the product of yin is the ground. Yin is static and Yang is impetuous, Yang generates Yin, and Yang kills Yin and hides. Yang qi, yin forming. The most important purpose of health preservation is to maintain the balance of yin and yang, which is the foundation of life. If yin and yang are balanced, then our human body will be healthy. If yin and yang are out of balance, then we will get sick, premature aging and even die. Press external yang and internal yin; The upper part is yang and the lower part is yin; According to the law that the back is yang and the abdomen is yin, human fur is yang and viscera is yin. Yang on the head and Yin on the foot.

Whether the human body is healthy or not depends on the harmony of yin and yang. For example, Huangdi Neijing said that "Yin Pingyang is the secret and God is the rule". After eating and drinking enough, the human body transports nutrients to all parts of the body through the decomposition and transportation of the spleen and stomach, making the body grow strong and full of vitality. Tangible waste after food digestion is discharged from the front and rear yin. If the yin and yang of the human body keep balance, the human body will be healthy. After the imbalance of yin and yang in human body, it will show various symptoms. The ancients also used yin and yang to express and explain the classification of symptoms. Yang syndrome, the general symptoms are: fever, thirst, rapid pulse and so on. This kind of symptom, the ancients also called heat syndrome (that is, yang syndrome). Yin syndrome, the general symptoms are: no fever, no thirst, cold hands and feet, delayed (slow) pulse and so on. This symptom was also called cold (yin) syndrome in ancient times. This is what Huangdi Neijing said: "Yang wins is hot, while Yin wins is cold".

On the other hand, the decline of yin and yang means that the imbalance of yin or yang is lower than the normal level, one of which is lower than the normal level, while the other is kept at the normal level, or both sides are lower than the normal level to varying degrees, so there is deficiency syndrome. Yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity lead to yin deficiency and internal heat; Yang deficiency is normal yin, and external cold is caused by yang deficiency; If both yin and yang are deficient in different degrees, then deficiency cold and deficiency heat coexist or both yin and yang are deficient. This is the syndrome of "internal heat due to yin deficiency, external cold due to yang deficiency" and "deficiency of both yin and yang" in Huangdi Neijing.

So how do we keep the balance of Yin and Yang in our life? We know that people's life reserve is limited, and any product, including life, including a person's energy reserve is limited. Then we must make reasonable arrangements. Our life is like a burning candle. The more it burns, the faster it goes out. Therefore, we should pay attention to the problem of energy conservation and health preservation in order to maintain the balance between yin and yang. Energy-saving health care includes three magic weapons: static health care, slow health care and low temperature health care. The purpose of our energy conservation and health preservation is to protect yang and yin, avoid unnecessary losses, and thus maintain the balance of yin and yang in life.

Nowadays, many people are caught in such a strange circle: health is exchanged for money in the first half of their lives, and money is exchanged for health in the second half. The key to jumping out of this strange circle is to follow the "Yin-Yang Road" in life from now on.

This is a party for a successful young man. After talking about business and his wife and girlfriend, I began to talk about my physical condition. The 32-year-old has fatty liver, the 34-year-old has hyperlipidemia, and the 30-year-old has sticky blood ... Inadvertently, the beer belly has grown, the liver has problems, and the body that lacks exercise has cardiovascular diseases. Every day, the legs that drive to work and take the elevator up and down the stairs occasionally start to pant, and the cervical vertebrae and shoulders also start to ache, and various sub-health symptoms appear. ...

There are three things in life that can't wait: filial piety to parents, children's education and one's own health. Now that living conditions are good, various diseases that threaten health, such as "three highs" and obesity, also follow. In fact, according to the function of human cells, it is no problem for people to live above 120 years old. The problem is that we "take wine as the pulp, do what we want, and do our best", and eating, drinking and having fun is "doing things quickly, going against music, and living without restraint", which violates the laws of nature, damages our spirit and naturally prevents us from enjoying life.

In the view of TCM, the human body, like nature, is composed of two important elements, yin and yang. The real great doctor lies in the human body itself, and the key to health preservation lies in the balance of yin and yang. In layman's terms, it is to enhance one's immune ability with the harmony of body and mind, so as to obtain health.

The way to balance yin and yang lies in the "golden mean"

The core of TCM health preservation lies in the unity of man and nature, that is, human activities must follow the inherent laws of nature. The principle of TCM health preservation is to store essence, spirit and time. According to these principles, the key to balance Yin and Yang is "moderation": moderate exercise, peaceful spirit and moderate diet.

Once the yin and yang of the human body are unbalanced, it is easy to get sick. The way to recuperate is to balance yin and yang, store essence, nourish the mind and nourish the law. Tibetan essence is the kidney essence that keeps the foundation of life, and keeping the spirit is to nourish the spirit, which makes the spirit indifferent and empty. The Buddhism follows the alternation of four seasons in nature, every day at midnight (1 1- 1) and at noon (1-65438).

Specifically, we should control exercise, diet and mood on the basis of understanding our own physique. For example, the mystery of the longevity of turtles and snakes lies in moderate exercise, combination of static and dynamic, slow pace, good energy preservation and small loss of life reserves. For people, the best way is to beat Tai Ji Chuan on foot. "If you want to live well, you must eat less." We should have at least 1-2 times a week to format the intestines and stomach, so as to reduce the burden on the intestines and stomach and the whole body. In controlling emotions, try to be psychologically defensive, be "ruthless" when dealing with people, and try to maintain a childlike innocence. Because of joy and sadness, anger hurts the liver, thinking hurts the spleen, sadness hurts the lungs, and fear hurts the kidney.

Balance yin and yang, adjust beauty

The ancients called beauty change, and the so-called "change" means that the upper part is "day" and the lower part is "moon". This word implies the change of Yin and Yang, so the essence of the so-called change is to adjust Yin and Yang, so as to erase the traces of years and change people's appearance. In this sense, China's traditional cosmetic medicine is also a skill to regulate yin and yang. According to the ups and downs of Yin and Yang in different periods of nature and human body, it adopts the methods of Yang replenishing Yin, Yang replenishing Yang, Yang replenishing Yang, and Yang replenishing Yin to achieve the purpose of maintaining the balance of Yin and Yang between human body, man and nature, beauty beauty and nourishing life.

Different physiques have different ways to keep beautiful. In daily life, we can see that some people are afraid of heat, some people are afraid of cold, some people are quiet, and some people are lively ... From the perspective of Chinese medicine, this is because people's constitutions are different, some people are cloudy, and some people are sunny. In view of this, we should pay attention to the adjustment of diet, dress and mentality in the usual process of beauty beauty, as shown in the following table:

The wonderful use of yin and yang in different constitutions