What are the skills to speed up learning?

Come on, come on, come on, look:

Children from heaven learn at different speeds.

Shakespeare has a famous saying: "Some people are born great, some people strive to be great, and some people are involuntarily great." Combining this simple truth with the understanding of different types of intelligence can help parents understand and respect their children's different learning styles.

Children may be gifted in one or two aspects, or "born great". In other types of intelligence, they may be progressive learners or "great achievements". In other types of intelligence, they may be late bloomers or "involuntarily".

People who show these three learning styles can be called runners, walkers and jumpers. In order to discuss these three different learning speeds more specifically, let's take cycling as an example.


This kind of child jumps on a bike when he sees other children riding bikes. Children with this learning style are runners. They learn quickly, but they need challenges to keep their interest in learning. They learn quickly because they are very talented in their own fields. Parents should pay attention to giving runners the opportunity to develop other intelligence, which may not be so easy for them.

Step leader

This kind of child will spend weeks learning to ride a bike. They responded well to the guidance and improved a little after each attempt. They need to practice at first, but after a few weeks, they can ride by themselves. Pedestrians are what parents often call "ideal children", or "good belts". They always learn little by little and make progress little by little, which can clearly let you know that you are helpful to them and they are learning. These children are so easy to manage that they often miss some important training and attention.


This kind of child is the most difficult and challenging for parents. It may take these children years to learn to ride a bike. They accepted all the instructions given to them, but made no progress. They are not getting better and better, showing no signs of learning, and their parents don't know whether what they have done will help them. If parents insist, two years later, the child can ride a bike, and suddenly, he can ride it. All the guided children listened. But parents can't see any signs of progress. Then, at a mysterious moment, these children somehow integrated the instructions they received and rode on bicycles as if they had been riding for two years. On the surface, the child seems to have made no progress. But all of a sudden, they arrived at their destination in one leap. These children often don't get the time and attention they need to complete this jump. Without parents' insistence, they will give up and never realize their potential.

Good at this, not that.

A child may be a high jumper when riding a bike, but he may be a runner when learning social skills. He (she) may be the friendliest and most cooperative child when cooking dinner or traveling with you, but when riding a bicycle, the situation has changed and he (she) immediately becomes rebellious and unwilling to cooperate. By understanding the different learning speeds, parents can be more patient and accept their children's resistance more easily. All children are good at some skills, but resist others. It's natural to be good at this and not good at that.

Just because a child is a jumper who seems to learn slowly on the surface doesn't mean that he or she has low intelligence in that respect. Sometimes, the field of study that we resist most is the field that we are most capable of. For myself, I have never been a good writer and I am not good at speaking in public, so I don't want to write or speak in public. Both talents appeared very late.

On the other hand, just because a person is a runner or walker in a certain intellectual field does not mean that he or she will perform well in this field or have great growth potential. For example, most people who have obtained professional degrees from universities will not go that way next time in their later lives. Getting a degree in anthropology doesn't mean that you will become an anthropologist. The easiest or least obstructed road is not always our strongest.

Compare children.

One of the biggest mistakes parents make is to compare their children with each other. If one of your children is a walker in most intellectual fields, everything will be relatively smooth and easy. If your second child is a jumper in some fields and resists, then you may mistakenly think that there is something wrong with this child.

Jumpers never seem to listen or learn. You teach them to set the table, and they soon forget how to do it. You teach them table manners, but they always forget. You teach them to learn math with a watch, and they will never remember it. You teach them to make it clear, but they just don't say it. You teach them to tie their shoes, but they just can't. You explain your homework to them, but they just don't understand.

Without positive parenting skills, these children are usually punished again and again, which makes it more difficult for them to cultivate self-confidence. Only by constantly transmitting information that you haven't compared to your children, will their self-confidence be improved if they are good enough. Every child is unique and different. They are worthy of love just as they are. Parents understand how different healthy children can be, and they are more likely to accept and support their children.

Reviewing this chapter often can make the process of parenthood much easier. We are disappointed in our children because their performance is not what we expected. Remembering that they should be different can help us to relax ourselves and deal with children's affairs in a more appropriate way.

The Zhuang Zhuang mentioned in "Children from Heaven" belongs to the "jumper" in learning. I don't understand why Zhuang Zhuang refused to learn to ride a bike until he was over two years old. Why Zhuang Zhuang didn't want to play with other toys until he was three and a half years old, and he was only interested in his pieces that could be put together and put into the car, no matter how many other toys I provided him; Why Zhuang Zhuang still likes to read only one or two books for a long time (wheels and wheels, etc.). ), no matter how many other types of children's books I think can interest him … ..

I am no longer anxious, I am no longer anxious, my strength is just different, he has his own way of growing up, and he needs me to give him the most support and patience!