How many years is the term of office of the Party committee?

Legal analysis: three to five years, according to the relevant laws and regulations, the term of office of the party's grass-roots committees is generally five years, and the term of office of the party's general branch committees and branch committees is generally three years. The Party Committee is elected by general party membership meeting or the Party Congress. Party committees are responsible to the congresses at the same level and report their work, and accept the leadership of the party's superior organizations.

Legal basis: Constitution of China Producers' Party.

Article 31 The term of office of the Party's grass-roots committees, general branch committees and branch committees is three to five years. The secretaries and deputy secretaries of grass-roots committees, general branch committees and branch committees, after being elected, must be reported to the higher party organizations for approval.

Article 38 Party leading cadres at all levels, whether democratically elected or appointed by leading organs, are not lifelong, and can be replaced or removed. Cadres whose age and health are not suitable for continuing to work shall retire in accordance with state regulations.