The bedroom door faces the toilet door, which is very bad. The toilet is in charge of water in the five elements, and the yin is very heavy. Too much access to the bedroom will make people imbalance between yin and yang, which is not conducive to health, especially those who avoid water. Moreover, the dirty gas in the bathroom will bring bad luck to people and reduce the fortune of family members, so it must be changed.
Method 1: You can put a screen at the door of the room to block a block.
Method 2: A partition can be made between the bathroom and the bedroom door.
Method 3: You can hang a bead curtain between the toilet and the bedroom door. The principle is reflection, strictly speaking, it should be diffuse reflection. Try to shine a flashlight on the bead curtain, it reflects very weak light.
Method 4: Green plants can be placed between the toilet and the bedroom door.
Method 5: You can hang the gourd in the sewer of the toilet.
Method 6: You can make a secret door at the door of the toilet.
Method 7: You can nail four advertisement nail on the four corners of the bedroom door. The principle ~ is to use the stainless steel plane in the advertisement nail to reflect the so-called bad brake air in the bathroom through the stainless steel mirror, so as to achieve the so-called function of eliminating brake air.
Method 8: Potted plants can be hung in the toilet. Principle ~ Plants can purify the air, thus reducing the sense of suffocation in the bathroom.
Method 9: You can plant tall plants on the vertical line between the toilet door and the sleeping door. The principle is to avoid the hedge between the door and the door, thus avoiding the conflict between the two.
Method 10: You can change doorways. This is a once-and-for-all solution, with the disadvantage of "wasting money".