Did Ma Bao get pregnant by taking diet pills? Is the baby born healthy?

It depends, but don't give up easily. After pregnancy, check-up on time, observe the development of the fetus and let the doctor make a judgment.

(1) The third week of pregnancy follows the theory of "all or nothing".

Within three weeks of pregnancy, sperm and eggs have just combined. At this time, the fertilized egg only underwent simple cell division, which increased the number of the same kind of cells, but it has not yet differentiated into different cells and tissues and organs. At this time, taking drugs will not form organ malformation, so it will not give birth to deformed babies that people are worried about.

Taking drugs during this period can be based on the internationally recognized "all or nothing" theory in the first trimester:

Taking medicine or receiving X-ray irradiation in the third week of pregnancy has only two effects on the baby.

First, the baby accepted all the adverse effects and had a spontaneous abortion;

Second, the baby has not been adversely affected and naturally grows normally.

(2) Take medicine during the sensitive period of fetal development: 3-8 weeks of pregnancy.

During the teratogenic sensitive period, the organs of the fetus begin to differentiate, and the drugs taken by expectant mothers are likely to cause serious damage to the development of the organs of the fetus. During this period, all drugs, including general health products and tonics, should be banned.

If you are sick, you must consult a doctor and carefully choose after considering all aspects of the mother and fetus.

(3) Follow the doctor's advice after pregnancy 12 weeks.

After 12 weeks, the teratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus was weakened, but the excretion function of the fetal kidney was not perfect, and the drug still had side effects on the fetus, mainly damaging the liver and urinary system. During this time, you must follow the doctor's advice and choose the right medicine.