Why are people sometimes red and hot in winter?

Why are people sometimes red and hot in winter? This is because of blood circulation. In the cold winter, our bodies try to keep their body temperature constant, and the face is one of the parts that are more susceptible to the cold climate.

When we feel cold, our body will reduce heat loss by vasoconstriction. This is why sometimes our fingers, nose and cheeks become red and hot when we are in a cold environment. This is a manifestation of the body's self-protection mechanism, which reduces the contact area between the skin surface and the external environment by contracting blood vessels, thus reducing the loss of heat.

Vasoconstriction is not completely effective. When we want to be active or excited, the body needs more energy supply and the blood circulation will be accelerated accordingly. In this case, blood vessels will expand to increase more blood supply to various organs and muscle tissues. As a very important and flexible organ, the blood supply to the face will also increase. At this time, the blood vessels in the face will expand, causing the face to be red and hot.

Another reason is the dry weather and low air humidity in winter. This dry environment will cause our skin to lose water. In order to protect the skin from excessive dryness, the body will increase the blood supply to the skin through blood circulation to provide more water and nutrition. This is why in the cold and dry winter, our faces feel red and hot.

Personal physique will also affect the degree of redness and burning of the face. Some people have sensitive blood vessels or skin, and they are more likely to facial flushing. Some diet and living habits may also have an impact on facial redness, such as spicy food, alcohol, stress and other factors may cause facial vasodilation.

In order to solve this problem, if you want to relieve the redness and burning of your face, you can try the following methods: keep the indoor and outdoor temperatures appropriate and avoid cold stimulation. Keep your skin moist and nutritious, and use moisturizing products properly. Adjust diet and living habits, reduce the intake of spicy food and alcohol, relax and reduce stress.

In winter, people's face is red and hot because of the natural reaction of blood circulation regulation. Cold environment, physical activity, dry air and personal constitution may all affect facial redness. This situation can be alleviated by maintaining proper temperature, supplementing water and adjusting diet and living habits. Remember, in the cold winter, take good care of your facial health!