Inclusion Scale of Psycholinguistic Psychological Assessment System

Scale name classification 0 1 occupation ability tendency occupation 02 occupational character 03 occupation values 04 occupation interest 05 Dutch occupation tendency 06 MBTI occupational character 07 work adaptation disorder scale 08 Cornell health index test (CMI) mental health 09 self-rated depression scale (SDS) 10. SCL-9011SAS)12 Baker Depression Scale 13 Baker Anxiety Scale 14 Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). 15 primary school students' mental health rating scale 16 middle school students' mental health scale 17 college students' mental health questionnaire (UPI) 18 Connors' child behavior questionnaire (parent scale) 19 Connors' child behavior questionnaire (teacher scale) 20 cartels 16 personality. Personality Trait 2 1 A Behavior Test (TABP)22 Eysenck Test 24 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPI)25 Aggressive Personality Scale 26 UCLA Loneliness Scale 27 Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD)28 Social Anxiety Scale 29 Emotional-Social Loneliness Questionnaire (ESLI)30 Interpersonal Competence Test 3 1 Social Responsibility Scale 32 Dependence Scale 33 Bias Scale 34 Social Introversion Scale (Si)35 Social Status Scale (St)36 Children's Loneliness Scale (CLS) 37 Children's Autism Rating Scale (CARS)38 Children's Social Anxiety Scale (SASC)39 College Students' Interpersonal Psychological Diagnosis Scale (UIR)44 Intention Index B(LSIB). 45 College Students' School maladjustment Scale 46 EMBU)47 Parental Education Style Scale 48 Olson Marital Quality Scale 49 Social Adaptability 50 Mania Scale (BRMS) Clinical Diagnosis Category 5 1 ADHD Questionnaire 52 Children's Sensory Integration Rating Scale. 53 Test Anxiety Scale Learning Category 54 Middle School Students' Learning Motivation Test Questionnaire 55 Middle School Students' Learning Adaptability Measurement (MAAT)56 Children's Learning Adaptability Questionnaire I(CSC)57 Study Habits and Test-taking Skills Self-test Table 58 Learning Ability Assessment 59 Suicide Attitude Questionnaire (QSA) Other 60 Middle School Students' Internet Addiction Scale 6 1 Raven Intelligence 62 Raven Reasoning Test (for Grade One and Grade Two in Primary School) 63 Willpower Test Questionnaire 64 Parent-child Relationship Self-evaluation Scale 65