First of all, the cause of the incident was Wang, the owner of the hotel. Wang said that he, three employees and kind neighbors started preparing food at 3 am, and spent 1000 hours making 1000 meat buns for frontline flood relief workers. When they were ready, they drove nearly 70 kilometers to the hands of flood relief workers in the first line of Jishan. Although the hotel has been open for less than a month, he said? As contemporary young people, we should have this responsibility. Have we done our duty? .
Secondly, from Wang's excellent qualities, we can see his selfless dedication and contribution to society. As contemporary young people, what we call salvation is not just lip service. Just like Wang, the boss, he did great things without saying a word, knowing the hardships and difficulties of disaster relief workers, and at the same time, faced with the phenomenon of not being able to eat, he resolutely closed his shop, which had just opened for less than a month, and made a decision.
Three. Conclusion The people of the whole country are a family, just like when Zhengzhou was flooded some time ago, the people of the whole country came to support Zhengzhou. This time, there have been floods, floods and landslides in Shanxi. We should also rescue the people of Shanxi. After all, the people of China are a family, not asking about this and donating that online. This is a very wrong behavior. We do what we can, and we don't insist on what we can't do.