What is health? What is the health mark proposed by the World Health Organization?

The health symbol proposed by the World Health Organization is a United Nations symbol covered by a snake-shaped scepter.

The emblem of the World Health Organization consists of the United Nations symbol covered with a snake-shaped scepter. It originated from Eiskola Pioz, a "medical god" in ancient Greek mythology. It is said that he carries a wooden stick wrapped around a giant snake and treats patients everywhere. Therefore, the snake-coiled scepter has become the symbol of many medical schools, hospitals and medical societies in the world for a long time.

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Greece is the birthplace of the snake emblem, which has spread all over Greece since ancient times. In modern times, the United States, Britain, Canada, Germany and the United Nations World Health Organization all regard the snake emblem as their medical symbol. Before the 1950s, the emblem of the Chinese Medical Association also had a snake emblem. 1The cover of Chinese Medical Journal published in April, 948 is an eye-catching snake emblem.

In the biblical number 2 1, the Israelites were attacked by poisonous snakes, and God ordered Moses to "make a copper snake and hang it on a pole. Anyone bitten by a snake will live if he looks at the copper snake. " Later, when Jesus preached, he predicted that he would be hanged from a tree like this copper snake as a hint of redemption. So after the rise of Christianity, the symbol of snake on the staff became the meaning of getting first aid in the west.

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