Lyrics of children's songs with rubber bands skipping rope:
Rubber band skipping is my first time in Malanhua, 212562572829311.
Rubber band skipping is my first time in Malanhua, 212562572829311.
Three five six three five seven three eight three nine four one four five six four five seven four eight four nine five one.
Five five six five seven five eight five nine six one six five seven six eight six seven eleven.
Seven five six seven five seven eight seven nine eight one eight five six eight five seven eight nine one.
956957989911Good jumping, healthy and lively first.
Rules of the game:
The rubber band jumping competition requires players to make three different movements at three different heights, and each movement shall not be less than 2-3. The whole set of movements requires accuracy, proficiency, coherence, coordination, stretching, liveliness and naturalness.
Competition time varies with age. Children's group 1 minute 30 seconds -2 minutes 30 seconds, juvenile group 2 minutes 30 seconds -3 minutes 30 seconds.
The formal competition should be accompanied by healthy, lively and rhythmic music, and the rubber jumping should be coordinated and synchronized with the music beat.
The highest score in the competition 10. Distribution ratio: height accounts for 3 points, number of movements accounts for 5 points, and quality of movements and music accounts for 2 points.