1, Dyskinesia: It is common in the early stage of spinal cord shock, characterized by paraplegia, tension and disappearance of lower limbs and tendon reflexes, and no pathological symptoms. The shock period is usually 2-4 weeks or longer, especially those with severe spinal cord injury, complications of pulmonary and urinary tract infection and bedsore. During the recovery period, muscle tension gradually increased, tendon reflexes became hyperactive, and pathological symptoms appeared, and the muscle strength of limbs gradually recovered from the distal end.
2. Sensory disturbance: all senses below the diseased segment are lost, and there may be a hyperesthesia area or zonal sensory abnormality at the upper edge of the level of sensory loss, which gradually decreases with the recovery of the disease, but it is slower than the recovery of motor function.
3. Acute ascending myelitis starts suddenly, and the lesion rises rapidly within a few hours or 1-2 days. Paralysis quickly spread from lower limbs to upper limbs or muscles dominated by medulla oblongata, leading to dysphagia, dysarthria, respiratory muscle paralysis and even death.