Island tycoon 5 anti-corruption skills

Corruption can be said to be a serious problem for the island rich in the late fifth period. What is more troublesome is that many island owners 5 players don't know how to prevent and solve problems. So today I will teach you a simple way to prevent corruption by using unfinished buildings, so that you can avoid the trouble of corruption.

Island tycoon 5 anti-corruption skills:

To tell the truth, there is no way to prohibit corruption, but it can be limited to the maximum extent. For example, we will reduce the proportion of corruption to 12%, but this will happen later. In addition, the financial balance of the island can be turned into negative, so that no funds will be misappropriated.

In the early stage of the game, we can build many buildings far away from the road, all of which are unfinished buildings. If we need money, we will change the time schedule and suspend and stop the construction progress of the unfinished building. The money for building uncompleted residential flats will be returned to the fiscal balance account, mainly because uncompleted residential flats are far away and workers will not go there to build them.

In the later period, the anti-corruption effect of these unfinished buildings will not be great, but at least you can be financially healthy before modern times, and another advantage is that you can receive assistance from other countries during the colonial period. If the relationship is good, the king will give you 10K every time.