According to 39 Health Network, intravenous infusion is generally used twice a day, but the specific situation depends on the patient's condition and medication. If the patient's condition is mild and the drug takes effect quickly, it can generally be intravenously dripped twice a day. However, if the patient's condition is serious or the drug takes effect slowly, it usually needs intravenous drip twice every three days, or it may take longer. However, patients are generally not advised to continue intravenous infusion to avoid adverse drug reactions, which is not conducive to health. Intravenous infusion is a method of injecting drugs into patients through intravenous channels. Commonly used drugs are glucose injection, sodium chloride injection and sodium bicarbonate injection. Generally speaking, patients should pay attention to the speed of intravenous infusion. If the speed is too fast, it may cause local pain, and in severe cases, it may also cause phlebitis, which is not good for health. In addition, patients should also pay attention to the composition of drugs during intravenous infusion, and choose appropriate drugs for treatment under the guidance of doctors to avoid blind medication and avoid discomfort.