Sleeping posture also affects health. What kind of sleeping position is most suitable for women?

Speaking of the benefits of sleep, if nothing else, the most intuitive feeling is to have a good sleep and wake up refreshed the next day with watery skin. To ensure a good sleep and sleeping environment, proper bedding, sleeping time and sleeping posture are inseparable. Especially this kind of sleeping position is really varied. Some people like to sleep on their stomach, some people like to sleep curled up, some people like to sleep on their backs, and some people like 360? Free rotation transformation

There are all kinds of sleeping positions, good and bad. According to the survey, 80% of people have experienced back pain, leg pain, neck pain and pain everywhere. Many of them are because they are sleeping in the wrong position, or their neck and lumbar pain is aggravated by sleeping in the wrong position.

Therefore, a good sleep has a great effect on the body. If you sleep well, it is not difficult for a female friend to become a sleeping beauty. Let's talk about the sleeping position of women in detail.

Five common sleeping positions, advantages and disadvantages analysis: 1, lying on the left side.

Benefits: Lying on the left side is suitable for pregnant women, because as the baby in the abdomen grows bigger day by day, the uterus and nearby organs and tissues will be squeezed, and the uterus will rotate to the right to varying degrees. Taking the left sleeping position can protect the uterine mesothelium and ligament from tension and will not affect the baby's oxygen supply. Especially in the third trimester, you should lie on your left side.

If you are prone to esophageal acid reflux, or eat too much at dinner, you can also take the sleeping position of lying on your left side, but you should raise your upper body appropriately.

Disadvantages: Because the heart of the human body is located on the left side, it is easy to press the heart and stomach when lying on the left side, so it is not recommended for anyone except pregnant women to sleep on the left side for a long time.

Step 2 lie on the right

Agree: Lying on the right side can make more blood flow to the right side of the human body, thus helping to reduce the burden on the heart and relieve the pressure on the heart. Moreover, our detoxification organ is located in the right upper abdomen of the human body, so lying on the right side can let more blood flow through the liver, which can help the liver to enhance metabolism and absorb nutrients.

Menstrual women lying on the right side can help menstrual blood discharge, which is beneficial to the normal operation of various organs of the body and relieves the phenomenon of headache and backache during menstruation. Therefore, lying on the right side is the recommended sleeping position for women.

Disadvantages: Lying on the right side will affect lung health. Either way, it will increase skin wrinkles and lead to sagging breasts.

Step 3: Lie on your back.

Pro: Lying on your back is also a common sleeping position. Lying on your back will not oppress the internal organs of your body, it can reduce the pressure on your spine, prevent back and neck pain, help your lungs breathe, reduce the probability of acid reflux, help reduce wrinkles and keep your chest shape.

Disadvantages: Not conducive to pregnant women after 28 weeks. This sleeping position will cause the grown-up fetus to compress the abdominal aorta in the middle of the body, which will reduce the blood flowing back to the heart, resulting in insufficient blood supply in the uterus, which is not conducive to the baby's nutrient absorption. In severe cases, it will lead to stillbirth.

Lying on your back is also easy to make the base of your tongue droop, hinder breathing, and aggravate snoring or respiratory diseases. Women can also cause the appearance of the posterior uterus.

4, prone

In favor: it is good for women to protect their abdomen, make people feel safe, and is also good for the discharge of foreign bodies in the mouth. It is good for people with lumbar problems, and it can also reduce snoring.

Disadvantages: It is not conducive to the health of the neck, which can aggravate the pain in the back of the neck, lead to excessive strain on the neck, press the heart and lungs, affect breathing, and press the gastrointestinal tract, which is not conducive to digestion and absorption. Prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone prone

5, fetal sleeping position

Pro: It is more suitable for pregnant women and can also reduce snoring.

Disadvantages: increasing skin wrinkles, women are prone to sagging breasts, which is not conducive to relieving head and neck pain.

After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each sleeping position, you may be confused. Which sleeping position has a bad side, which one should be adopted? Generally speaking, for women, it is more recommended to lie on the right side. Of course, after you fall asleep, you won't just stay in one sleeping position, and your body will change according to your comfort, so don't worry too much.